Fic: i like the top Kris/Adam NC17

Mar 19, 2013 15:44

Title: i like the top
Author: Spikedluv
Fandom: American Idol
Rating: NC17/Slash
Pairing: Kris/Adam
Length: 1,967 words
Spoilers: None.
Summary: Kris knows just how much Adam likes the top.
Author Note: PWP. Written for the ”I like the top.” challenge at . I know that the US Magazine (I like the top) and TV Guide (misinterpreting our friendship) interviews did not take place on the same day, much less back to back, but for purposes of this story, I’m pretending they did.

Read fic at: LJ | DW | AO3

length: 1000-4999, author: spikedluv, fic: one-shot, rating: nc-17, type: tourfic, genre: pwp

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