Title: Let's Dance
Verse: Things Will Get Better
glamaiira Beta:
elizabuffy Pairing: Kradam
Rating: PG
Wordcount: ~1 082
Disclaimer: totes fiction! I don't own the boys, just the story. None of this happened in real life (that I know of)!
Summary: A not so unwanted audience...
A/N: Fourth part in this verse. You'll find the previous parts in my masterlist.
http://glamaiira.livejournal.com/11553.html ”…sway through the crowd to an empty space…”
The music was loud enough to be heard through the door and out into the - at the moment - empty corridor. Kris made a short pause, his hand resting on the door handle, as he listened to the strong voice wailing out the lyrics to the song before entering the room.
Closing the door silently behind him, Kris leaned back against it, arms crossed, while enjoying his roommate’s one-man show. Adam was dressed in only a loose hanging tank top and a pair of tight zebra patterned, black and silver pants, swaying his hips to the rhythm as he sang along. Kris raised one eyebrow as he tried to bite back the grin tugging at his mouth. He had obviously caught his roommate off guard. But, even though the sight was amusing, Kris could not help but feel slightly awestruck at Adam’s voice - and those moves were not too bad either.
“…because my love for you would break my heart in two, if you should fall into my arms and tremble like a--Kris!”
Adam’s voice went up in one of the highest pitched falsettos Kris had ever heard - at least from a guy - and he was pretty impressed it did not break. Adam, on the other hand, looked anything but impressed.
“I didn’t, I mean, I thought you had late practice.” Scrambling to turn off the music, Adam then sat down on his bed, shifting around a bit trying to find the proper pose which would not make the tightness of the pants too obvious, while smiling shyly.
Singing in a choir, together with several others, were one thing. Singing in private, not having to think about anyone else and being allowed to play around with the notes and just have fun was something completely different, though, and Adam had definitely not meant for anyone to hear him. It was not like he was ashamed of his voice. Rather the opposite. He loved singing and if there was something about himself that he was truly confident about, was his singing voice. But it was still very embarrassing finding you had an audience.
Particularly if the audience was your sneaky, but hot, roommate.
“It ended early.”
Kris dropped his bag by the foot of his bed and then made his way over to the bathroom to take a quick shower. When he could, he preferred using his own - well, his and Adam’s - shower than the intrusive group showers in the locker room. He left the door slightly ajar though, so he would still be able to speak with Adam over the pouring water.
“Isn’t the drama club putting up some sort of musical?”
The bathroom mirror was partly visible from his position on the bed and so he could see a bit of the bathroom. Sadly enough, the shower was not part of it.
“You should try out. You’re the only one at this school who could pull off the role as Danny.”
Adam smiled, the compliment giving him a kind of fuzzy feeling.
“I’m not even in the drama club.”
The mirror was still clear, which meant that either they had some freakishly good ventilation system at this school, or Kris was taking a cold shower. The latter was making Adam shift position as the already tight pants suddenly felt a bit too small. The thought of his roommate taking a cold shower after practice should not make him feel like this.
He had looked kinda sweaty when he’d gotten back, though. Shirt sticking to his chest…
Adam shook his head while forcing himself to stop thinking.
The water was turned off and soon Kris reappeared in the room, hair still wet, only wearing a pair of sweatpants and the towel hanging over his shoulders. Without a second thought he sat down on the bed, facing Adam. “Dude, that’s like the lamest excuse ever. And you know it.”
Doing his best not let his eyes stray below Kris’ face - which he most definitely should be getting some kind of prize for, sitting close enough to touch and with water dripping from Kris’ hair down his chest - Adam tried hard to keep his mind on their conversation.
“I’m not that good.” That was not true and he knew it. “Besides, they’ll never give the lead to a newbie. It’s like the team making you team captain.”
“Okay, first, this is not about me. Secondly, you really are that good and if they don’t choose you they’re obviously completely deaf and morons.”
Adam’s eyes fell. Not purposely looking at his roommate’s body but more so because he felt a little embarrassed over all the kind words. It was not something he was used to hearing. The fact that his eyes just happened to end up resting on those abs was a total coincidence. The only problem seemed to be that he now could not stop looking.
“I wish I had your abs.”
Kris glanced down at himself, raising one eyebrow, before turning his gaze to Adam’s chest and stomach. Adam looked good to him.
“Well, I’m sure you have some, too. They’re just hiding out.”
Adam subconsciously wrapped his arms around himself.
“Hey.” Placing a hand on Adam’s leg, Kris got his friend to look up and meet his eyes. He gave him a squeeze and a reassuring smile. “There’s nothing wrong with you, okay? You look good.”
“You really think so?”
“Absolutely. I mean, there’s nothing a little make-up can’t fix.”
Without a warning a pillow was slammed right into Kris’ face, making him tumble out of the bed. Laughing, Kris winked at him from his new place on the floor and even though he tried very hard Adam could not quite keep a straight face. It was just not possible to be angry at Kris.
Getting up from the floor, Kris headed back into the bathroom to hang off the towel and get ready for bed.
“Tomorrow you’re gonna try out for that role or I’ll make you join the basketball team.”
Adam snorted. No way was he going to get up on stage in front of the whole school. There was absolutely no way he would do such a thing. He was already being bullied enough without having to be called a drama geek as well. Besides they would never let him get the role as Danny Zuko anyway.
On the other hand, he was so not joining the basketball team.