Fiction: Yesterday

May 30, 2009 01:13

Title: Yesterday
Author: madiownsyou Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction
Pairing(s): Kris/Katy, Kris/Adam
Authors note: Based on the song 'Yesterday' By the Beatles. You can see Kris singing it here. Because I am both a Kradam junkie and A Beatles junkie, I couldn't not fic this. Story told in second person from Kris's point of view.
Word Count:~ 700

Yesterday, All my troubles seemed so far away

You're standing there on a small stage next to your best friend, your Co-champion of the world, or just Adam, which is what he's known as. The two of you are waiting for another interview to begin. Just before the cameras start rolling, you look off to the side of the stage he was where your amazing, supportive wife is standing. In that moment, with Adam's hand on your shoulder and your eye's locked with Katy's, You truly believed you have everything you could ever want in the entire world.

Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be, there's a shadow hanging over me

You run your fingertips over your lips and panic a little bit. You can still feel where Adam's lips had touched yours just moments before. You thought that this would be easier. You had hoped that Adam was going to help you keep your relationship with him within the boundaries of friendship. But you can't blame him because it never would have progressed this far if you hadn't let it. You want to be a good husband, you want to stay faithful to Katy. But Sometimes you don't.--sometimes you just want to let Adam Lambert kiss you. And Kiss you. And kiss you.

Why She had to go I don't know, she wouldn't say
Katy stopped answering your calls. She stopped randomly showing up to your interviews and meetings and recording sessions to bring you Starbucks or walk with you through the cities you were visiting. You were still married, but barely. For the first couple days you chalked it up to her wanting you to not be distracted from you 'Idol' duties. But when a whole week had gone by without her so much as acknowledging that exist, you knew something was up. You know something was wrong, but you didn't know why.

I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday

"What is this about?! " You try not to scream at her. "Do I really need to tell you again what it is that I have a problem with?" She fought back. "I'm tired of being an afterthought in your life. I married you because I wanted to be your wife. Not just person that you halfheartedly lay a claim to." the words half-hearted are what made you feel the knife going in. You knew that it was true, Because the parts of himself that he wasn't giving to Katy anymore were being given to Adam. "Is there someone else?" she asked, "For all I know, there could be." You don't mean to respond aloud, but the word comes tumbling off of your tongue and by the time you think to stop it, its too late. "Adam." you say in a whisper. The conversation is over. She hung up the phone.

now I need a place to hide away

You're not ready yet to deal with the scary things. The divorce. The shame. You're probably being stupid but you run to him anyway because he promised that no matter the circumstance, he will always be looking out for you. You run to him and you're crying. "Come here" He says and you press your face into his chest. You are content to just be there in his arms for an indefinite amount of time. It might not be all that safe, but its a place to hide. He kisses you on the head and tells you he loves you.

Oh I believe in Yesterday

Talking between you and Adam is becoming strained. He doesn't say anything about it but you can definitely detect signs of guilt and hurt coming from him. He doesn't have to say, anything for you to know he never meant for things to end up this way. He never meant to be the cause for your life to fall apart. "Its not your fault Adam, its not your fault." You try to reassure him. And you believe your words with all your heart because you have owned up to the fact that the fault was, in fact yours. You stare off into space and hope to God that things could just go back to the they were before.

Oh I believe in Yesterday..

author: madiownsyou, rating: pg

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