Title: The Ultimate Choose Your Own Adventure
jonne_bunny &
fictionfreak15Pairing: Kradam, Adam/Twincest, Lamcest, Lamlitz, Finbertliff, Adommy, Bradam, Finbert, Adam/OC, Adam/Self, Adam/Drake, Billshido
Rating: G - MA-17
fictionfreak15Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Warnings: Slash, Cannon, AU, Language, Violence, Dub Con, Non Con, Fluff, Drugs, Minor Death, Major Death, Kidnapping, Angst
Summary: You decide how the story will go. Just click the link and take the ride.
Please note: Kradam is considered one of the main pairings in one separate adventure
Beginning is posted at
my journalEntire adventure posted at
jonne_bunny's journal