Title: Kris and the Healer
Pairing: Kradam
Beta: None. All mistakes are mine.
Disclaimer: Kris and Adam don't belong to me because they already belong to each other.
Warning: Porn
Word Count: 2,927 words
Summary: Kris is a Lycan. Adam is a Kindred (vampire). Their species hate each other. So what happens when Adam finds an injured Kris in the woods? Do they rip each other apart or awaken a symbiotic bond?
Author's Note: Symbiotic= having an interdependent relationship. This story is set in the "Symbiotic Mates" universe of Gale Stanley's AMAZING books. I wanted to write Kradam into the 'verse so bad, and when I saw the Porn for Charity thing over at kradamfest (
http://kradamfest.dreamwidth.org/), I decided to finally write it! This is not my first attempt at writing porn, but it is the first porn-y story that I've liked enough to post. That being said, don't be too mean to me. I'm new to the whole porn thing. I usually write fluff, fluff, and more FLUFF!! :P Also, I may add to this 'verse in the distant future, we'll see where my inspiration takes me. :)
Because LJ is still being a pill, you can read this at Dreamwidth here:
http://echelonlove.dreamwidth.org/3917.htmlor AO3 here: