Title: The Dark Side of the Moon ~Chapter 10~
Author: saar_fantasy
Pairing: Kris/Adam
Beta: This chapter isn't beta'ed
Other people that will show up in the story: Brad Bell, Cale Mills, Allison Iraheta,Matt Giraud, Tommy Joe Ratliff, Jake Shears, Katy Perry, Katy O'Connell, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black,Cassidy Haley,Russell Brand, Charles Browder,Drake LaBry and a bunch of OC's that are made up in my mind
Warnings: blood will be spilled and people will die (don't worry, it's not Kris or Adam)
Summary: Everyone is aware of the never ending battle between werewolves and vampires. What happens when one of the vampires falls in love with one of the werewolves? Especially when the love becomes mutual... ~Chapter 10~: The double spy...
Disclaimer: nothing really happened. It's just my imagination in overdrive
A/N: Link to the Master List:
http://saar-fantasy.livejournal.com/58684.html http://saar-fantasy.livejournal.com/214579.html P.S. I went to Friends Only, so if you want to read this just leave me a message. Or add me, then I'll add you back