Title: The Travelling Minstrel
reoracerSummary: Adam is a travelling minstrel. Kris is a poor farm boy.
Words: 800
Rating: R for the whole story
Disclaimer: No matter how much I wish they were, these boys are not mine, and this is for enjoyment only.
Author's Note: I wrote this a while ago, just got the cahoneys to post it. It is finished, the other parts will come over the next few days if you guys like it!
Kristopher led a rather mundane life. He was a farmhand for a rich landowner in a small poor village. He tended to crops and animals and lived in one small house with the other workers. Today he had been sent to the market to buy some seeds for his overlord. His attention was drawn when he heard unfamiliar noises coming from the town square. “It’s not festival time.” he thought to himself. Curiosity got the better of him, and he detoured his trek home to find out what was happening.
A large grin spread across his face when he realized a group of travelers had arrived.
Kristopher ran through the village street, anxious to share the news. "Travellers! Actors and minstrels!” He shouted, nearly out of breath, when he arrived at the home he shared with the other farm workers. "They're setting up in the square. There will be a performance tomorrow!" He was so excited he was clapping and jumping up and down.
"Calm down! What has happened?" Matthew looked at Kristopher like he was on fire.
"Matthew, you know I've always loved the performers. If life was different, perhaps I could have been one." Kristopher sighed. "Will you go down to watch them set up and perform with me?"
Kristopher, Matthew, and the other hands finished up their work and gathered for dinner, Kristopher talked excitedly the whole time. "We know what you're going to do with your free time for the next few days." Daniel ribbed at Kristopher. "You bet." Kristopher replied.
Adam grumbled as he pulled the trunks off the wagon and unpacked them. It had been a long trip from one no-name town to another, and all he wanted to do was unpack and get to the tavern and inn and relax. He loved performing, it was the things that were required so that he was able to perform for a new crowd each few days that made him weary. He couldn't wait until the travelling season was over and they went back to the city to prepare for their winter theatre performances.
The first thing the troupe erected were curtains to allow them some private space from all the prying eyes of the townspeople.
Kristopher nearly dragged Matthew down the cobbled street toward the square. “I wonder what kind of performance we’ll get. A play maybe? I really hope they are musicians. I love music.” Matthew just followed along and let Kris’s talk flow in one ear and out the other. They paused as they approached the square. Many people were gathered, watching the strangers going about their setup and preparations for the next day. Kristopher saw scenery, costumes, and even a couple musical instruments coming out of the trunks, and it made him even more excited.
“I’m bored, I’m going back.” Matthew said. “I’ll come see the performers with you tomorrow.”
“I think I’ll stay and watch longer.” Kristopher watched Matthew leave, then turned his eyes back to the travelers. He saw a tall man with dark hair he hadn’t noticed before rummaging through one of the trunks. The man suddenly looked up. He glanced over at Kris and smiled, his ocean blue eyes nearly pierced through Kris’s soul.
“He’s attractive.” Adam thought to himself. “Probably has a wife and half a dozen children.” He sighed.
“Adam!” Kris heard someone call out a name and saw the handsome man perk his head then reply. ‘Adam is his name.’ Kris thought out loud.
The man smiled at Kris again, then disappeared behind the curtain.
Kris continued to look around, trying to figure out what all would be happening the next night. He watched, fascinated, as scenery came out of trunks and was set up on the stage. He nearly jumped out of his skin when a voice behind him interrupted his thoughts. “Whatcha looking at?” Kristopher turned to look right into those same beautiful eyes he had been admiring a few minutes previously.
“I didn’t mean to scare you.” Adam reached for his arm. Kristopher felt a flow of warmth rush through his body at the touch. “You just seem… fascinated by our work, I thought you might like to join us at the tavern to talk a little. I’m Adam, by the way.”
“Kristopher.” Kris looked down at the ground. “I’m sorry, Adam, I would love to, but I can’t. I have to get back soon.”
“To your family?” Adam asked.
“No, to the worker’s home, I have to be up early in order to finish in time to come see your performance tomorrow.” Kris admitted sadly.
“You’re coming to our show?” Adam perked up happily.
“Yes, along with some friends. I’m looking forward to it.” Kris couldn’t resist the man’s smile.
“So I’ll see you tomorrow, then, Kristopher?” Adam smiled at him once more as Kris walked away. “Perhaps you’ll be able to go out after the show.” Adam thought aloud as he turned to head towards the tavern.