Title: Life After You ~15/?~
saar_fantasyPairing: Kris/Adam, temporary Adam/OMC
Rating: PG-13 (for now)
Warnings: Character death (but not really, it will all make sense, I promise!), the usual drama and angst I put into my stories
Summary: Kris Allen leaves LA to fight with the troops in Iraq. He has to leave his 5 year old boy, and his husband behind. Three months later, Kris' husband gets the terrible message that Kris has fallen in battle. Adam Lambert, Kris' husband, is devastated but still finds a way to get through life, together with his son. Eventually, he finds another man in his life who makes him happy and he moves on. But then, Kris comes back...
Disclaimer: Title taken from the song of the awesome band 'Daughtry'. The boys don't belong to me, except for Jesse who's just a cute little bugger and I love him to death.
Notes: Previous parts can be found here:
saar-fantasy.livejournal.com/63268.html (
Maybe one day they could start their lives all over again. )
P.S. I went to Friends Only, so if you want to read this just leave me a message. Or add me, then I'll add you back :)