Title: In The Night 2
reoracerSummary: Adam is a werewolf and Kris was snatched for him. This time they are meeting at Kris's request.
Word Count: 2054
Rating: R for the whole story
Disclaimer: No matter how much I wish they were, these boys are not mine, and this is for enjoyment only.
Warnings: None
Author's Note: Sequel to
In The Night that
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Awww . . . That was sweet. Thanks for sharing. :D
BTW, was that you James Durbin tweeted last week?
I bet. *belated squee for you* I thought I recognized your user name from this community. I have a serious crush on James even though he was born the year I graduated high school. :P
Are there any James comms here on LJ yet?
I watched his audition vid on YouTube and almost cried. He's dealing with so much. Plus he can sing his ass off.
I checked last week and didn't see any. I was lucky to find a couple of icons.
I only took two, but there were more. The person to credit is writinchica2k. You could also type in his name in the LJ search engine and see if you come up with anything new.
I heard that the contestants will be singing Elton John songs this week. *squee* However, on my on screen cable guide it says songs from the 80's. *shrugs* Elton's best stuff is in the 70's, IMO. I hope Idol isn't limiting them to Elton's stuff from the 80's because that makes me nervous.
I know. Piano on fire!!!
Thanks! It isn't easy to find. Doesn't come up on LJ search. I had to type the whole URL in.
Half hour left. *bites nails* I'm always worried on results night.
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