Title: Let's Start Off With a Drink, Honey
Author: beleiveinkradam
Rating: R
Pairing: Adam/Kris
Summary: Adam is a rich man, He enjoys spending his hard earned money on cute men he finds at bars. He loves to give them anything
they want. Anything...But only for one night. Then the next night, He's over you and moves on to the next boy he wants to spoil rotten. But not when he comes across a very interesting slightly shorter man.
Warnings: Some casual sex, Some might see as triggering. All Grammer mistakes are mine, I apologize in advance.
Let's Start Off With a Drink, Honey (Part 3)
http://beleiveinkradam.livejournal.com/13010.html A/N: Finaly updated this one, It's been a long time. Let me know what you think :) enjoy. Sorry for the cliffhanger on the last update...