Title: One Armed Bandit Strikes Again (7/?)
amberwinters Pairing: Adam/Kris
Rating: R
Summary: Kris has hooked up with the biggest Diva known to humankind and hopes to tame him. Will Adam Lambert finally grow up and become the partner Kris needs?
Wordcount: 3110
Notes: Here is the next installment…All comments and concrit is encouraged and much appreciated.
Warnings: Sex scenes, some cursing, angst, and implied drug use.
Part 1:
http://amberwinters.livejournal.com/47390.html Part 2:
http://amberwinters.livejournal.com/47750.html Part 3:
http://amberwinters.livejournal.com/47891.html Part 4:
http://amberwinters.livejournal.com/48283.html Part 5:
http://amberwinters.livejournal.com/48567.html Part 6:
http://amberwinters.livejournal.com/48833.html Part 7: