Author: Stephanie M
Disclaimer: I know none of these people, nor do I own them, they own themselves. Criminal Minds does not belong to me and no profit is being made from this. This story is completely fictional.
Summary: Kris and Adam’s holiday soon becomes a fight for their lives. A Criminal Minds crossover
Genre: Crossover, Angst, hurt/comfort
Comments: Sorry, my cut for this post didn't work before, no idea why to be perfectly honest so I'm posting it again. I apologise from the bottom of my heart for this happening.
Other Parts Part 2
Standing outside the police station Hotch quickly divvied out the assignments, “Dave, Morgan, you over to the Encore, where the last two victims went missing. JJ, can you get the press release sorted? Prentiss, Reid and I will stay here and work on victimology.”
The group walked into the station, their minds already focused on the UnSub, they had to work quickly to rscue the latest victims. With the task in mind, the group had such an intense look of determination on their faces that the officers inside the police station cleared out of the way.
“Are you folks from the BAU?” A tall, redheaded man said as he walked forward.
JJ moved to the front of the group saying, “Yes. My name is Jennifer Jareau, these are SSA’s Hotchner, Rossi and agents Morgan, Prentiss and Dr Reid.”
The detective smiled, “Nice to meet you all. My name is Bobby Evans. I'm the lead on this case, thanks for coming. We have got the conference room set up for you. Do you know why he goes for tourists?”
Reid said absently, “It makes it less likely that a link is established. Do we know what time the bodies are dumped?”
Evans nodded saying quickly, “As far as we can tell between three and five a.m., the last bodies were discovered by a dancer who had called into a club to pick up his paycheque at three and the body was in the alley when he walked past at five. The men were all taken from their hotels, some pretty expensive ones ; The Aria, Blue Moon Resort, Circus Circus and Desert Paradise Resort. Lambert and Allen were taken from the Encore. Is this a case of gay bashing because if so I need to let the public know.”
“This isn’t a gay bashing but JJ will handle the press side of things. Do we have any evidence?” Hotch said firmly.
The detective shook his head, “Not much, the man is good. We have found a mitochondrial DNA match from the hotel room of the first victims. It’s a match to Blair Jocelyn Richardson, the problem being that it only gives us a maternal DNA match. She lives in town so I’m on my way to visit her. Do any of you want to come with me?”
At Hotch’s nod at her Prentiss said quickly, “I'll go.”
“Detective, we would like to have a look at the latest crime scene,” Derek said seriously.
“Simpson and Stein can drive you over,” Evans said gesturing to the officers in question.
Once he and Reid were alone, Hotch led the way to the conference room and stared at the whiteboard of victims. The amount of rage displayed at the crime scenes was not a good sign. Hotch quickly dialled Garcia, knowing if she couldn’t find anything then this woman’s children then no one could.
Garcia answered the call with a grin, “Bow at the feet of your goddess of knowledge and state your purpose.”
“Garcia, have you had any luck finding a link between our victims?
Garcia replied quickly, “De nada. However, I used my amazing computer skills and went over the disc, there’s a word scratched into the wall and when I say scratched I mean scratched. The word is rose. I’ve done a search on people and companies with rose in their name in Nevada and I’ve got over three hundred matches.”
“Can you find the children of a woman by the name of Blair Jocelyn Richardson and find anything that will link with the word rose. Send me details of the names you have now,” Hotch said pleased they were finally getting somewhere.
“The info should be on your PDA now. I'll get back to you as soon as I have something,” Garcia said before terminating the call.
Reid commented, “The UnSub has an extremely specific type. The older man had black hair and is around 6ft 4” to 6ft 6”, the younger is around 5ft 6” to 5ft 8” with light brown hair. The younger is always the one having an affair.”
Hotch nodded saying, “If the UnSub is a house cleaner, then we’re in trouble. He’s going to devolve rapidly, the fact that he kidnapped another pair just four days after his last victims were found indicates that he is already devolving. If we don’t catch him soon...he’s going to abandon his preferential targets and just attacking any gay man he can find.”
Blinking furiously as he tried to adjust to the light, Adam wondered where he was now. He didn’t recognise the room, it was bigger and felt airier than their torture chamber and cell. Adam was relieved that Kris was back in their cell, hopefully recovering from his injuries and fighting off the infection that seemed to be starting.
Adam’s tormentor said calmly, “Good afternoon Adam. Now...I will give you one chance to get Kris out of here alive. You have to admit you stole Kris and ruined his wife’s life, that if it were not for you she would be happy. You have to pay for your crime.”
Desperate to see Kris safe Adam immediately said, “You are right. I did it all, I pursued Kris relentlessly. I’ve wanted him since the day we met and I didn’t care about anything but my own desires. I deserve to be punished for my crime against Katy and against Kris.”
“Very good, Adam. You will be returned to your cell to await my verdict.”
The cold, ominous reply alarmed Adam but he remained silent as he was escorted back to his cell by the now familiar stone-faced guard. Occasionally he saw something approaching regret in the eyes of the tall, longhaired redhead but the man had made no move to help them.
When Adam arrived back in the cell, Kris wasn’t there and Adam was overcome by fear. Kris wasn’t up to another torture session, Adam hated that he was powerless to protect Kris but hopefully Kris would now be released. Now that he had complied with the man’s demand and confessed, the man would hopefully keep his word, and let Kris go.
Inside the large room Adam had just left, Kris was sitting with unfocussed glassy eyes as his body tried to fight off the infection whist his fight or flight response kicked in. Kris jumped as a man’s voice suddenly echoed in the room.
“Kris, you can make everything easier for Adam, if you do one thing. You need to apologise to your wife and then you have to admit that you are straight and Adam seduced you.”
Seeing this would be his only chance to truly help his love, Kris eagerly complied with their kidnapper, he couldn’t lose Adam. Even if Adam leaving would mean his death. Kris was happy to pay that price. He would do anything for Adam.
“Katy, I am sorry for hurting you and I want to be with you, not Adam.” Kris said softly, each word causing a stab of pain in his heart, knowing that he wanted to be Adam more than anything else in the world.
The faceless man sounded proud announcing, “Good. You are the only one I brought here to admit their crime and see the truth. For this, I will let you have what you deserve, a long life with your wife. You will be released to go back to her.”
“What about Adam?” Kris asked desperately.
“If you don’t leave, I will have to punish him.” The man said warningly.
Kris couldn’t believe he was supposed to just walk away and leave Adam, his love alone with some deranged man who delighted in hurting people but if he stayed Adam would just be tortured. Kris got to his feet and swayed slightly, he was roughly dragged to his feet by the redheaded man who always calmly delivered them to their torturer.
Kris took jacket thrown at him and put it on, hoping he would get a chance to speak to Adam, to let the man know that he would go straight to the police. He wouldn’t let Adam get hurt, he would bring rescue back and soon they would be in their hotel bath relaxing.
“Hurry up, Kid. You don’t want Adam to be punished, do you?” The longhaired man said coldly, as he covered Kris’s eyes and led the man out of the building and into a car.
Inside his cell, Adam paced becoming more and more frantic about Kris’s wellbeing as time went on. His mind kept coming up with terrible images of what kind of torture Kris was being subjected to whilst he was in the relative comfort of his cell.
Looking at the assembled police officers Morgan quickly started giving out the profile, “This UnSub is what we call a house cleaner, a mission based serial killer, like the Unabomber. He is killing these men to make a point, there is no sexual element to their crimes.. He is methodical, he plans each of his abductions carefully. Now he probably has a van or a large car to dispose of the bodies, his vehicle will be clean, in an almost pristine condition. He is following the crime in the news but he is not interested in taunting the police. These men are his message and he wants to make sure it reaches the right person.”
Hotch said quickly, “This man is a loner and he requires privacy to commit this level of torture on his victims. Now he may be in a relationship and if so he is the dominant one. His partner is completely submissive to him and to his every need. He is arrogant and cannot understand why anyone would hold a different opinion to him when it comes to those he feels he needs to get rid of. In this case, it could be gay men in general or men having affairs with other men. We just don’t know.”
Reid continued the profile, “There would have been a stressor ten weeks ago that would have made him start killing. It was probably the death of someone he was close to, or it could be losing his job, etc. This man isn’t currently working because it would take his time and focus away from his mission.”
“Er...you guys better come out here,” A young policewoman said with a knock on the door of the conference room.
Hotch stopped speaking and walked towards the woman with the team hot on his heels, each knowing nothing normally happened when he heard those words. The team stopped in shock and stared at Kris Allen, bruised and bleeding but standing in front of them.
As Kris started to lose his balance, Morgan dived forward to catch the man in time to hear Kris whisper “He’s got my Adam...Rosewater.”
As the policewoman called the paramedics, Morgan gently escorted the man into the small break room knowing the man needed to be somewhere he could lie down before he collapsed. He could feel the heat emanating from Kris’s body, the man clearly needed medical attention.
“Kris, you have to stay awake. Come on, Kris.” Hotch said authoritatively but it seemed shock was starting to set in and Kris’s body was shutting down.
With a flash of inspiration Reid said quickly, “Kris, we need you to talk to us so we can help Adam. Kris...Adam needs you.”
Kris could make out the low hum of noise around his head, sounding like the low hum of music in another room. On hearing his love’s name, Kris fought the exhaustion, pain and infection trying to make his body shut down. He couldn’t collapse, he had to get Adam back safe and in his arms.
Kris said frantically, “Adam’s hurt. His leg keeps bleeding and he’s walking funny on it. He said that he would be easier on Adam if I apologised to Katy about my affair and said I didn’t really want him. I left him there please...we need to hurry.”
“Okay, Kris. This is really important, just what did he say?” Prentiss asked gently.
His kidnapper’s words fresh in his mind Kris recited, “You are the only one I brought here to admit their crime and see the truth. For this, I will let you have what you deserve, a long life with your wife. You will be released to go back to her.”
Morgan looked at Hotch in alarm, realising the UnSub would kill Adam soon, if he hadn’t already. Now the UnSub had reached his goal, the man could be planning to go down in a blaze of glory and killing one of the best known rock stars would certainly do that.
“Kris, do you know where about he was keeping you?” Prentiss asked urgently.
“No, we couldn’t see. It was quiet though and dark.” Kris said as he started shaking with shock.
“Don’t worry, Kris we’re going to do everything we can to get you back with Adam.” JJ reassured as the ambulance arrived.
“I'll go to the hospital with him,” Reid said to Hotch who nodded in agreement, hopefully Kris would be able to give them some more information soon.
Kris was soon inside the ambulance, still pleading for people to help Adam. Kris couldn’t believe that he had betrayed Adam, he had left the man behind to get tortured. It didn’t matter that he had left so that he could come back to rescue Adam, he had still left. His heart seized up as he realised Adam probably thought he was dead.
“Why would he let Kris go? He never let any of the other victims go,” Hotch said confused.
Prentiss suggested, “It seems that the UnSub is targeting the men who are dating the unfaithful man. If the UnSub thinks that he has achieved his mission in making Kris apologise, he could think he has done everything and kill Adam before committing suicide. We have to get Adam out ASAP. ”
Morgan’s phone rang causing everyone to look at the man; he flipped it open saying playfully, “You’re on speaker phone baby so keep it clean.”
Garcia smirked saying, “So no dirty talk, bad-boy? Blair Richardson had one child, a daughter called Suzanne who was placed in foster care shortly after she was born. Suzanne became Rose when she was adopted two years later by Kelly and Lloyd Reese. Rose committed suicide ten weeks ago, her only remaining family is her fifteen year old son George and her older brother Francis Reese.”
“Does Francis Reese have any property in the area?” Hotch asked quickly, he knew this was their UnSub .
“Okay...his parents had a company called Rosewater. There’s an old warehouse that belonged to their company just outside of Vegas. I'm sending the address to you now.”
“Thanks Garcia,” Morgan said sincerely before ending the call.
Hotch called his team and the police to arms, leading them out of the station to confront their enemy and rescue Adam Lambert.
“What have you done with Kris, you sick fuck!” Adam shouted angrily, sure that his captor would hear.
Adam had never felt so forlorn, so broken and terrified before in his life, Kris had become his world. He refused to believe that Kris could be dead, lost to him. Adam had started counting in his head since he had been returned to the cell and it had been over two hours since he had been back, the whole time images racing through his mind of what could be happening to Kris, each one more terrifying than the last.
There was a thump from outside the corridor causing Adam to quickly stand, ignoring the now familiar feel of blood trickling down his leg. His leg wound was bleeding enough to have soaked through Kris’s makeshift bandage.
There was a loud bang as the door was opened, a tall black man in the doorway, brandishing a gun. Adrenalin and anger surged through his veins as Adam rushed forward, it was only then that he saw the man was wearing a vest saying FBI. Adam’s knees went as it dawned on him that help had finally come.
Adam said hysterically, “Kris...you have to get Kris. He’s taken Kris somewhere, please!”
“It’s okay, Kris is in the hospital with one of our friends. He’s safe.” Prentiss reassured, practically feeling the terror emanating from the man at the thought of his love being hurt.
“Really?” Adam asked, unsure as to if the woman was telling him the truth or merely placating him so they could get him out of the prison without him turning into a screaming mess.
“Yeah. We’ll take you to him,” Morgan reassured, hesitantly reaching out to help Adam out of the room.
Morgan was impressed with the singer’s instincts and marvelled at the way the man went from fighting for his life mode into fiercely loving and protective. He had a feeling that although it might take a while, Kris and Adam would get through their ordeal just fine and at least they had each other to lean on.
Adam got into the ambulance and felt as though all of the energy had been sapped from his body, as though his body knew he was in safe hands and it could relax. As he lay down on the uncomfortable stretcher, Adam’s only thought was that he would soon be with Kris.
Kris was sitting in a wheelchair beside Adam’s bed, having pleaded and nagged to be allowed to see Adam. Adam’s face was covered in scratches and bruises but to Kris, the man had never looked so beautiful because he was alive and with him. Kris was terrified that Adam hadn’t woken up yet, the doctors refused to give him any information saying they could only speak to relatives. He had so far resisted the urge to scream that Adam was his family, his world and if wasn’t told anything then he would ruin the doctor. Adam was his and they would not be parted again.
Kris’s eyes flooded with tears as he sat there, as close to Adam as possible, thinking about how he could have lost the most important person in his life without being able to stop it. He realised now that he couldn’t let a day go by without telling Adam how much he loved him. Kris was through with them living apart, as soon as they got to LA he would find a house, somewhere that they could call home that was just theirs. He didn’t care that they had agreed to wait until people got used to him divorcing Katy before announcing their relationship. He didn’t care about what people would think about him, about their relationship; he needed Adam.
Although he and Adam had only just started seeing each other, in a way he and Adam had been a couple for years; it had just taken Kris a while to realise it. It had just been another hot summer day in LA when Kris had unexpectedly been given a day off after his producer was struck down with flu and rather than calling Katy so they could spend the day together, he had called Adam. After putting the phone down, Kris started to see that he was more focused on Adam than his wife, when he bought something to wear he would pick something that Adam would like. When he wanted to talk about something that was bothering him then he would call Adam, regardless of his time or location. Kris was slightly ashamed to admit it but more than once Katy had wanted to do something romantic but he had cancelled the plans so he could spend time with Adam. Even on Katy’s birthday, Kris had been late for their meal because he had lost track of time when he had been talking to Adam.
When he had first woken up at the hospital, Kris had been convinced that Adam was dead and no one would tell him, it was only when Dr Reid had said his team were bring Adam to get looked at that Kris was able to relax. Kris noticed Adam was starting to make the adorable purring noises that indicated he was starting to wake up.
Adam awoke to the most beautiful sight in the world, Kris’s face, love, protectiveness and desire shining from the younger man’s captivating eyes. He was so relieved that Kris was still with him, he had feared he might never see his beautiful love again. Adam felt the urge to pull Kris against him, to touch and kiss every inch of Kris’s skin he could reach to reassure himself that Kris really was okay. He clamped down on that thought, it would have to wait until they were in far more comfortable surroundings and away from so many possible interruptions.
“Adam, I love you so much. I was so scared that I wouldn’t see you again. How are you feeling? Do you need some water or anything?”
“I love you too, Kris. I’ve got everything I need in front of me. How are you doing?”
“Okay, better now you’re awake,” Kris said candidly.
Adam took Kris’s hand in his own, wishing the bed was big enough for them both. Adam knew they both needed the reassurance of being able to feel the other’s body next to them, to feel the other’s heartbeat and their chest moving with each breath.
“Good. Kris, I'm sorry I couldn’t stop him. I should have been able to fight him so you could run to safety.”
“Adam, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that we’re both alive and together. Adam, I'm not going to let anyone separate us again. When we go back to LA, I want us to find a house that we can make our home...someplace that is just ours. If you want to that is?”
Adam said softly, “There’s nothing I want more than to live with you, to spend my life with you. We can start looking at a house as soon as we get out of here. We might have to stay and give the police a few statements before we leave though, are you okay with that?”
“Yeah. I just want to lying in a bubble bath with you as we planned.” Kris said squeezing Adam’s hand.
Adam smiled, “We’ll do that soon enough. You do realise that we’re not going to be left alone by the press now, they will want to dissect everything to find out what happened to us and why. There will probably be some people who will agree with the lunatic's actions.”
“I know Adam but as long as I have you, I can deal with anything the world throws at me. You are my strength, my world, my sanity and my hope. With you beside me, I can fight dragons.”
“Well we won’t have to fight dragons, just vultures.” Adam said thinking of the more unsavoury members of the press.
“I know but through it all, we will be together.”
Adam nodded in agreement and held tighter onto Kris’s beautiful, callused hand and found himself unable to fight the urge to sleep. His body was calling for him to sleep and to heal, Adam was powerless to resist.
Kris looked up as he heard a knock on the door, his eyes meeting those of the men he faintly remembered from the police station. He tried to plaster on the Kris Allen, Star smile but he knew it wasn’t working. How could he smile when Adam was lying hurt and unconscious in front of him?
“I'm not sure if you will remember me, I'm Reid and this is Morgan. It’s great to see you are okay.”
“Hi, I'm Kris Allen. Thank you for saving him. I can never repay you for this but if you ever need anything just let me know.”
“You don’t have to thank us, we’re just happy you are okay,” Morgan reassured.
“D...Do you know why he wanted to hurt us?” Kris asked hesitantly, it was probably morbid but Kris would be able to cope better if he knew they had been targeted.
Nodding Reid answered, “The man who held you had a sister who committed suicide after finding out her husband was having an affair with another man. He decided that all gay men had to die, starting with those who were having affairs.”
“Oh,” Kris said not sure how he felt about such a weird motive.
“We’ve got to go, we just wanted to make sure you were both okay.”
Kris gave a faint smile, “It was nice to meet you both and I'm sure Adam would say the same if he was awake. If you are ever in LA, just give us a call and we can do something.”
After agreeing, the agents left the room leaving Kris to continue watching his love sleeping, relieved that he was able to do so.
Reid left the room with the words of David O. McKay in his mind ‘The rising sun can dispel the darkness of night, but it cannot banish the blackness of malice, hatred, bigotry, and selfishness from the hearts of humanity.’
Reid knew that this was not the last time the men would encounter hatred and bigotry because of their relationship. Although he hadn’t spent time with the pair whilst either man was completely conscious he admired their utter devotion to each other, he hadn’t seen two people so in love in his life. It made him wish that he had someone who loved him as much but he had been alone for most of his life. Although he was in love, he knew it would remain unrequited since Hotch was straight, he should have known better than to fall for a straight man but you couldn't choose who you fell in love with.
End Part 2