Title: Wrong Turns And A Promise
alyssandRating: PG-13 (mostly schmoop, it's a V-day fic afterall)
Pairing: Kris/Adam
Word Count: 2,800 ish
Summary: Adam's been busy and distant and Kris plans the perfect evening for Valentine's. But Adam gets injured and things just always have a way of not working out according to plan.
Notes: I really wanted to write a Valentine's fic. I actually wrote it last week, but it was pretty rough and RL has been a little hectic so I didn't get it completed till yesterday. I know 2 fics in a row! Don't get used to it though. :| Much love to
claire_kay for beta-ing
dianathegreat for reading this over :P i love you bbs.
Disclaimer: Don't own em, never happened.
It's a promise )