Title: "FastForward to 2312" A Kradam Fanfic Romance Novel
adamluvr36-ficPairing: Adam/Kris
Rating: **NC-17
Setting: Future-fic/AU
Word Count: ~71,000
Chapters: (39/39)
Description: Sequel to "CASTAWAYS" ~ This is the full posting of the entire completed BOOK II. THANK YOU for your PATIENCE while I wrote the end of this book. I wanted it to be good, so I took my time in order to give you the best story possible. **The 3rd and final book in this Kradam Trilogy, "His Knight in Shining Armour," will be posted as soon as possible. *COMMENTS ARE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED! YOUR FEEDBACK HAS REALLY HELPED ME TO BE A BETTER WRITER! Thank you!* :)
Summary: "Two and a half years had elapsed since that beautiful night when Kris and Adam had found their happily ever after together. Things had been so good between them, neither had believed they could be so happy! Their love for each other was intense, burning hot and fervent, keeping them strong together. They’d taken the leap of faith and come out to the world, moved in together, and had been living as a couple since May of 2010."
Authors Notes/Warnings: **For Adult dramatic situations, romance, nudity, graphic sexual content, graphic male-on-male sexual content, moderate violence, foul language, and disturbing imagery.
Disclaimer: This novel is entirely fictitious, and I do not own anything or anyone portrayed in the story. It absolutely never happened! Damn!! :)
Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 *Please use the links posted here to chapters, as the Master Post to FastForward to 2312 oddly falls after Chpt 16, now that the story has been updated.
Castaways Master Post *Kradam photo credit goes to: "Manip by icebar"