Title: A Rose by Any Other Name
Chapter: 8/?
Pairing: Kradam
Rating: R maybe? This one is G.
Summary: High school AU. What happens when Kris is kidnapped, and the police have given up the search after 2 years? And how do Adam Lambert and American Idol play into all of it?
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot. Adam, Kris and all other recognizable faces belong to themselves, not me.
Author's Note: Yes, I am spoiling you. 2 Chapters in 2 nights after 2 months of absence?! ....yeah, it's totally cause I was feeling guilty...lol. As always, click my author's tag to find previous chapters and thoer stories. (Or got to my journal and click the tag 'fanfic table of contents' for a complete list.)
Fakecut to my journal