So today we had another online meeting of the 'committee' previously referred to as the steering committee however one of the non member cousins had an objection to that name claiming that it that name made it sound like our committee had more decision making powers than it does. My aunt then looked up the definition of steering committee in the dictionary and the definition seemed to match very well with what we saw our role as so go figure, ain't semantics fun, . . . um no not really.
So this committee is composed of two 30 something cousins of mine and three late fifties early sixties year old cousins of my father. Did I mention we are carrying out our meetings online? Yeah, um . . . so guess who gets to do all sorts of troubleshooting and tech support type things? Oh yeah you guessed it, yours truly. It looks like I am destined for a quick trip up to NH this coming weekend which means I have to work triple hard in the lab this coming week so that I have time to get everything I want to get done, done.
To top all this off I want to find time to spend with
twilitethirteen but her summer classes are keeping her really busy, so the weekend is looking to be my only chance and that doesn't work if I am jetting up north every weekend. Not that I don't want to spend time up there and/or do all this work, I like it. It is just that the jetting up and down gets tiring.