
May 30, 2005 22:08

So I have moved into an apartment in Malden for the summer. I have now become the house-mate of the most intriguing missamay and her wonderful kitties, Ragamuffin and Houdini. Or rather I have now joined the help staff of the court of Ragamuffin & Houdini. As one of my friends awhile said, when it comes to cats we do not own them we are simply 'the help' and the house is really theirs not ours even though we are the ones paying the rent, funny how that is isn't it.

Anywho my room is small but its really all I need at the moment so it's OK. missamay and I have worked out a wonderful co-existence plan. It entails her doing most of the cooking and my doing the dishes and keeping the apartment clean, man do I like this system.

The one 'drawback' is that I have become addicted to City of Heroes. Think evercrack only with marvel characters rather than fantasy characters. I am currently freeloading off of her account and using her comp while she is out but I plan on getting an account myself. Except that I am not sure how well it will run on either of my comps without upgrading them. Dern, it more things for Peter to find excuses to spend money on [expletive]
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