Mar 26, 2004 16:02
Just got done with our little JFS BBQ. It was so good. Lots of good food, including 4 pies and 3 boxes of cookies, steak, potato salad, deviled eggs, baked beans, home-made bread and garlic bread. We also had beer, wine coolers, mudslides, and shots of tequila goin around. Some company we are...drinkin on the job...but hey we've been busy and deserve a break.
Goin to Dezi's tonight to see her new crib. Don't know what's goin down for the rest of the weekend, but I'm sure we'll think of something.
Well I don't know what else to write about at the moment...all I know is I am very tired and need nap. Mental note...don't drink at work anymore...2nd mental note...Mudslides are yummy.
I'm out.