Mar 07, 2010 23:45
Potential Menu for a meal soon:
butternut squash puree w/ leafys and crunchies and cheezies (whee)
something seafood on a stick wrapped in bacon
Lemon Sorbet
main entree:
Steak au Poivre
Mac & Cheese
Steamed asparagus, tossed with lemon wedges and salt&pepper before plating
Insert Palate cleanser here
Peach pocket pies, glazed with heavy cream and caramelized sugar w/ vanilla ice cream
finish with perhaps a turkish coffee and hookah? Or perhaps just matcha?
There we go.. what does everyome think? Got an idea for the second palate cleanser? Or new ideas overall? The goal is to prepare as much of this from scratch as cheaply as possible, and do it in advance, so that I'm able to entertain at the same time.
Hehe.. I make my friends FAT. Because I love them. Heheh... but dontcha come cranky to me after you've had a great meal, then get bishy with me about making you gain five pounds... bish!