Title: A Little While
krabappleFandom: Doctor Who (new series)/Harry Potter
Pairing: Doctor(Ten)/Remus Lupin
Rating: NC-17
Summary: The TARDIS lands in 1997 Ottery St. Catchpole. Saving the world, or at least Harry Potter, ensues.
Disclaimers: I own nothing you might recognize, be it from JKR or the BBC.
Warnings/Author's Notes: 7,627 words. No
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And then! ALSO! There is Remus/Ten porn which is hot and sweet and, oh, Remus. It's just so perfect. *dreamy sigh*
I actually got teary, like, twelve times. That's how much I loved it.
Anyway, thank you!! Eeep.
I hope they do go hang out with Rose some day. Can you imagine Jackie's response to wizards? Hee!
Oh, don't get me wrong. I loved to be teased. *g*
Can you imagine Jackie's response to wizards? Hee!
You mean besides hitting on all the ones still breathing? Heh. But yeah, that would be amusing.
Hee! Jackie hitting on wizards! Ahahahaha! Jackie/Shacklebolt OTP!!!
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