
Apr 19, 2007 17:27

Taken from strange_selkie, it's a meme ( Read more... )


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Comments 16

sovay April 19 2007, 22:13:30 UTC
Oh, sure.


kraada April 20 2007, 02:05:27 UTC
1. As one of my oldest friends, this point hardly seems to matter properly. Though it is comforting to know that even if I hear from you rarely, posting something on LJ will catch your eye fairly quickly :)

2. I've already picked a song for you, I'm not sure whether you'd warrant a piece of Escher or erzebet . . . so let's go with fruit. I associate you with an artichoke. That you were the first person ever to convince me to eat some may or may not have anything to do with it.

3. I like your complexity, your eloquence, and your ability to spin a tale. I could go on, but that's already three :)

4. I remember sitting in the hold of a ship* at a wooden table** ignoring the blaring music from above and being introduced to a girl who is still to this day the only person who has managed to do the Sign Seeker's Chant with me in unison ( ... )


sovay April 20 2007, 02:24:51 UTC
I'm not sure whether you'd warrant a piece of Escher or erzebet . . .

What, do I have to work up to them?

I associate you with an artichoke. That you were the first person ever to convince me to eat some may or may not have anything to do with it.

Strictly speaking, I think the artichoke is a vegetable: but I'll take it.

I remember sitting in the hold of a ship at a wooden table ignoring the blaring music from above and being introduced to a girl who is still to this day the only person who has managed to do the Sign Seeker's Chant with me in unison.

Damn it, that was going to be my memory for you. : )

How much would you give up in order to be in perfect health (pain-free, able to easily fall asleep for a whole night, and anything else I'm missing)?

What would I have to give up? Is the price where I live, or what I can do, or more folkloric things, like memories or the ability to love?


kraada April 20 2007, 02:31:54 UTC
What, do I have to work up to them?
No, I more meant I couldn't pick between the two . . . clearly my phrasing could've used work

Damn it, that was going to be my memory for you. : )
First mover's advantage? Yay going first :)

I meant what would you be willing to give up. Assume there was a Djinn with powers as vast as necessary, but you can only make one offer. If he decides you aren't giving up enough, he vanishes and you get nothing . . .


shirei_shibolim April 20 2007, 02:45:18 UTC
I'll bite.


kraada April 20 2007, 04:40:57 UTC
1. You married a good friend of mine. Also, you post interesting stuff. Seem like two great reasons to me :)

2. The tarot card: The Hierophant.

3. I like your easygoing nature. We haven't spent all that much time together historically (which is a shanda), but I feel quite comfortable when we do. That's nice.

4. I remember on your wedding day saying "Hey, your wife is looking for you." And you going "Wha-- Oh! Whoa that was weird." The look on your face was priceless :)

5. I declare television shows to be acceptible as well. You are Gobo Fraggle.

6. What was your biggest challenge in adapting to married life?

7. Mammals is funniest, music is pretties.


shirei_shibolim April 20 2007, 18:43:39 UTC
What was your biggest challenge in adapting to married life?

Adjusting to having a forever roommate whom I did not choose based upon our compatibility as roommates. Love doesn't prepare one for laundry.


dasheiff April 20 2007, 08:48:12 UTC
With Trepedation... Comment.


anonymous May 2 2007, 01:25:43 UTC
Ooo, ooo! Me, me next! Even though these will eventually get redundant for us :).


norimbrie May 2 2007, 01:27:51 UTC
That last was me by the way.


kraada May 2 2007, 01:51:45 UTC
For those not privy to the secret, (Anonymous) is norimbrie1. I added you because you were always a good friend. And you stay because I love you dearly ( ... )


norimbrie May 3 2007, 00:22:20 UTC
The least interesting and the least desirable kind of war within me. I don't like the proscription against intermarriage. Also, the constant reinterpretations and nitpicking as evidenced in the Talmud seem a little extreme. But I really like the traditions (i.e. holidays and the sabbath) and the sentiments behind them. I also like the emphasis on remembrance of past events. And I'm very much looking forward to learning more since I really feel like I've just learned the language and the solid facts of the holidays more than the real core of the religion.


captainbutler May 2 2007, 05:11:24 UTC
Last but not least ...


kraada May 3 2007, 05:27:54 UTC
1. One has one's best (male) friend one one's friends list. This is obvious.
2. Origami.
3. You keep pushing me to improve myself.
4. Let's go with: Creating the anti-party and running the HUGE EPIC battle in my D&D game.
5. Since Malta Vestritt is too obvious at this point, let's go with Sudian from The Legend of Nightfall and The Return of Nightfall by Mickey Zucher Reichert.
6. Your mindset seems particularly suited to law school and as such you haven't complained much. So. What's been the hardest thing about law school for you?
7. Since you have only one userpic, I go find an image for you: http://i.imdb.com/Photos/Mptv/1338/3457_0254.jpg


kraada May 3 2007, 05:30:05 UTC

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