I haven't done a meme in a while

Feb 03, 2006 23:16

So, meme cribbed from sovay

1) First movie you saw in a theater?
Honestly I have no idea. I can be certain about certain top grossing 1989 movies. Back to the Future Part 2, The Little Mermaid, Honey I Shrunk The Kids. . . but odds are very good I saw things in the theater before that. I just have no idea which and which I saw later (like, say, Short Circuit II).

2) First R-rated film you bought a ticket for by yourself?
Bought a ticket for? Not a damn clue. But the first one I saw was Total Recall, when I was in 4th grade. I had no idea what was going on. My dad had been trying to get me to see this piece of trash for years prior though. He never succeeded, it eventually became something of a joke. When I was like 6 seeing movies with titties in it was scary . . .

3) Favorite movie snack?
Eh, some form of chocolate bar. Of course, bought prior to the price gouging cinema going experience, and brought in through my sizeable coat pockets. Crunch bars work well as they melt less . . .

4) Favorite filmgoing experience?
Seeing Eternal Sunshine for the first time was pretty amazing.

5) Stupidest thing you did that you saw in a movie?
Man, I do a lot of stupid things. But from Back to the Future one . . . you know how Marty's mother squeezes his leg to let him know she's interested? I tried that once with a girl. Did not go over well. Ironically I didn't think at the time that it didn't go over well in the movie either. Just goes to show you what 12 year old guys notice . . .

6) First film to inspire carnal thoughts for the opposite sex?
Carnal? Um, first female movie crush was the Childlike Empress (The Neverending Story). The best I can say to first girl I really wanted to do more than kiss with is probably the woman from Weird Science. But, see, I still don't think I had any clue at the time what things to do more than kissing actually were . . .

7) Have you ever paid for one movie and snuck into another?
Nope. Never had a need to.

8) Have you ever seen a movie in a drive-in?
Yes. Edward Scissorhands. Dreadful experience, the drive-in. Couldn't comprehend any of the movie. Thus I recently acquired the DVD so that I can actually see and appreciate the movie for once.

9) Have you ever had sex in a car while watching a movie?
Not in a car, nope. Nor in a box . . . nor with a fox . . .

10) If so, what film?
Not wrapped in film, not in a kiln . . .

11) Ever had sex in a movie theater?
Depends on what you mean by sex. If you mean actual intercourse, no. But I have done other . . . interesting things . . . and we may have put on quite a show for a couple of ushers . . .

12) If so, what film?
"Summer of Sam". It was the longest movie playing that day.

13) Favorite John Hughes film?
The Breakfast Club must unfortunately take second place. I have a very special place in my heart for Weird Science. As previously mentioned . . . and yes, I did chant with a bra on my head once . . . but it did nothing . . .

14) Favorite Quentin Tarantino film?
Jackie Brown. Really.

15) Favorite Hitchcock film?
I lose. Haven't seen any of them (yet!)

16) Favorite Spielberg film?
Back to the Future. I love that movie.

17) Favorite zombie film?
Never really watched much horror. So, never actually seen a zombie movie. Unless you count living through a public school as like a real life slow interaction with zombies. In that case, I vote my high school for the prize . . .

18/19) Favorite actor (dead/living)?
I'm really not going to try either of these. Sorry, I don't really pay attention enough to have favorites, ergo, anything I put together here would be just random choosings of actors/actresses.

20) Favorite character actor ever?
See 18/19.

21/22) Favorite actress (dead/living)?
See 18/19.

23) Favorite character actress ever?
Would you stop asking these goddamned questions? Stupid meme . . .

24) Favorite theatrical animated character?
Shrek, probably.

25) Favorite film score?
Star Wars 5: The Empire Strikes Back. Fantastic Score.

26) Favorite piece of film music?
I dunno. Say something from Aladdin. I quite liked the music there.

27) Favorite film song?
Miss Misery, Good Will Hunting.

28) Favorite Christmas movie?
I have never seen a christmas movie I've liked. Really.

29) Favorite film genre?
Spooky weird shit, with three dimensional caracters. I know that's not a normal genre. But I'm not normal, so deal.

30) Favorite porn film?
I can't say I know the titles to many of them. But I have in fact seen Debbie Does Dallas, and one of the Girls Gone Wild videos and a few other full length features. They tend to suck. Internet downloaded clips tend to work better. I'll refrain from recommending sites unless I get requests.

31) First porn film you saw?
Those tapes were: a) not mine and b) copied from much older tapes illegally. Thus I didn't get to see titles, nor did I actually ask anyone what they were called. I'll leave the method of procurement to your imagination. It'll probably make some heads explode, but the truth might well be worse.

32) Favorite Disney film?
Either Aladdin or Lion King. Probably Aladdin.

33) Favorite Western?
Um . . . Blazing Saddles probably. The only other western I can think of is "City Slickers". And Blazing Saddles was way better.

34) Favorite musical?
Assuming we mean like non-disney musicals . . . ie- real musicals . . . West Side Story.

35) Favorite horror film?
Remember what I said about not watching horror? That hasn't changed.

36) Favorite comedy?
Hrmm. Depends on the type of comedy you're going for. There's Spaceballs, Ghostbusters, Arsenic and Old Lace, Duck Soup, The Life of Brian, Dr. Strangelove, The Sting . . . all of which are different types of comedy. Though I have a general enjoyment of most Leslie Nielsen movies . . . I dunno, hard to say.

37) Favorite science-fiction film?
Um, that's tough. Star Wars: Ep 5? Serenity? Eternal Sunshine? The Matrix? Clockwork Orange? There's a lot of competition here. And those are all serious sci-fi.

38) Favorite suspense film?
Not so much on the suspense either. And it has no IMDB category, which thus does not give me an easy access to lists that others made up that are good. So fooey on you.

39) Favorite romantic film?
Casablanca, probably.

40) Favorite epic?
Um, I dunno, Lord of the Rings?

41) Least favorite thing about seeing films in a theater?
The commercials at the beginning. Honestly, I've never been in a theater with annoying cell phone people, or annoying kids. Maybe it's my choice of film and/or time, but seriously, I don't want to see commercials when I'm already paying way too frickin much to see the movie. Show me the movie. And don't show me shit about not downloading movies. I already fucking paid you goddamned greedy assholes. Show me the movie.

42) Favorite thing about seeing films in a theater?
Nice comfy chairs, and a general energy to the room as people get emotionally involved.

43) If you could be any film character, who?
I'll go with Will Hunting.

44) If you could have sex with any film character, who?
Eh? If it's just the getting laid by a beautiful woman, really there are dozens that will suffice. If it's more than that it's far too complicated as a quick answer to a meme.

45) If you could live happily ever after with a film character?
So long as she's: a) intelligent, b) actually loves me, c) has a decent sex drive, and d) is reasonably attractive, I'm not all that picky. And that's roughly the order we're going under. There are many such film characters. To list them would be silly.

46) If you could be any movie monster, who?
A goa-oold, from Stargate. They've expanded the concept in the tv series. Being one of them'd be kinda cool. If -=I=- was the symbiote . . .

47) Favorite film critic?
Me. If I can't pick me, I'll go with captainbutler. He gives good recommendations.

48/49) Favorite screenwriter/director?
I've got nothing. Maybe the guy who did Pi for director?

50) Chaplin or Keaton?
Have seen no Chaplin.

Man this meme kinda sucked. Sorry guys . . .


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