Jan 12, 2004 12:07
So I came upon an epifany today.
I have tried on several occasions to make an entry on this "live" journal without luck. "But why?" I would ask myself. An answer dawned upon me. An answer I had always known, but never given any attention to because of its nostalgic truths. Its not that my life is so much easier then other people's or that drama doesn't exist with me. No, I have a disfuncitonal family like everyone else, I have trouble with grades like everyone else, and I have friends like everyone else. Its because Im fine with that. I am emotionaly stable where others are not, and it haunts me. Yet, this is contradictory to my nature, so Im left with a festering wound. A wound that will not bleed, but never heal and will always torment my very being. This is my life.
Heh...yea, dont take this seriously Im not really suffering :P