(no subject)

Sep 19, 2004 01:07

I am...alas...leaving Ralphs Burbank.

Yes, yes...the rumors are true, people. After two beautiful, scandalicious, and whorehouse-worthy years at store 712, I am leaving it's disgusting grounds and transfering to a lovely little store in the city of Pico Rivera. The new store is to die for...gorgeous store, hot employees...it's heaven in a hand-basket.

However, I will miss my friends at Ralphs. Karen, Carrie, Kevin, Paul, Greg, Juana, Jeri, Kathy...the whole gang. I won't miss the sluts I don't like (like the little Armo and the bitch who throws herself at Jose...both of which will remain nameless, as they well should be.) No more free cookies...no more joking with the guys...no more teasing Jeri...no more ass-slapping by Kevin...no more "penis talks" with Karenita. LoL! I love these people. Jeri's like a surogate mother to me. Carrie and Karen are both like older sisters. Paul's just fucking hott. Kevin is...well, Foy. And Greg is...a soon-to-be bachelor. LoL!

I've made incredible bonds with some of my workers, and yes, I am truly going to miss them when I leave. :: Tears fall :: I shall be back though...

~ iN oThEr NewS ~

- I met a dude I had talked to online (and no, he's not a psycho-freak stalker like so many of them are.) He's actually pretty cool. We've hung out a few times in the last week or so. He's funny...spontaneous...and very straight-forward. He's like me in a lot of ways...but also very different. Not a potential boyfriend, though...so we are safe on that (he doesn't want a serious relationship.) He's cool and I enjoy his company as a friend.

- School's been a bitch. I showed up for Psych today (after not being there for the last two classes) and found out we had a big exam scheduled for today. What a bitch. So, I winged it. Class started at 9 and I was out by 9:25...HaHa. Gotta love it. My other classes are doing good. That fucker in my music class didn't talk to me my last class (if it was the same guy...I think it was...I am not sure though. LoL!) Oh well...his loss.

- My kitty had to go to the vet. She has dirty ears and mites in them so I had to get 3 different medications, as well as two shots. The total bill was $150. My whole paycheck...down the drain. But I love my kitty...she's worth it.

- Been working on my new issue (and volume) of my zine. Gonna be another great one. Scandalicious, baby...

~ NeWs foR tHe coMmuNitY ~


When: October 20
Where: The Whisky
Time: TBA
Who: Less Pacific...an awesome band!
Cover: $16
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