(no subject)

Nov 09, 2004 16:13

Wow...haven't updated in a long while; been kinda busy. School. Work. Moving. Boys. HaHa...lots of stuff. Let's recap:

:: WoRk ::

I finally got my transfer; last week was my first week. It's very different from the Burbank store. For one, I'm cashiering at the new store...no more bakery. It's strictly bagging and cashiering. I've had to learn so many produce codes and procedures the last week that I've had a permanent migrane implanted in my head. I've had the last two days off which was nice. I work the rest of the week though...unfortunately. I don't mind...there's a couple guys there who I think are cute - Matt, Alfredo, Kevin, Shawn and Doug. HeHe. So, all is well...

:: ScHOoL ::

School's been good. I have Thursday off because of Veteran's Day. And I had decided last week I was dropping my Saturday psych class because I was already too far behind in my studies. So, if my teacher doesn't drop me than I just won't show up anymore. Ha. Oh, well...

:: ThE MoVe ::

I moved into my new place this past week. I've been living here alone because my dad still needs to finish a lot of stuff at the old house. My room has all the furniture in it, although a lot of boxes still need to be unpacked. It's painted a lime green color which looks fucking awesome. I like living here alone...but there's no food! HaHa. I'm starving.

:: BoyS & MeN ::

I've met a couple new guys. Erick is one of the new guys I've been hanging out with. We have a lot in common...he's cute...a jock...and a big teddy-bear. I don't know what he wants right now though...and I don't know if I can wait for him to make a decision or not. There's also Robert...who's kinda on and off. I haven't seen him in a while...which kinda sucks.

And, so yeah...I'm still waiting for my Prince Charming.

Anyway...I'm gonna get going, I'll update more later. Adieu...
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