Sep 19, 2005 13:07
I really don't understand what is going on in Germany. I keep reading about it, but I don't get it. I don't get how you can go and vote, and then not know who wins until they make up their team. So I get that you need a majority, and at least two political parties have to play nice, but are they obligated to play nice for a cretain term? or until the next election is called? do they call a new election every time the parties that make up the coalition have a fight?
I thought the U.K. was confusing, and then I read about it and it was o.k.
Germany is staying confusing. Where is Jen Baum when you need her?
Come to think of it, where is Jen Baum, period? I've not heard from/about her in two years.
Computer will be here tomorrow.
Missing E.Lansing today.