I should be studying for contracts, but I'm kind of burned out.
I went to the Dentist today. I hate the noises there. Do they really
need to use metal to clean my teeth? But good news - I don't have a
cavity as I thought I did. I'm just grinding my teeth so hard, and that
tooth where I though I had a cavity was higher, or longer or whatever
so it was a 'focal point' for the pressure of the grinding. It was
higher, because it had been filled in July. So anyway, they said I have
bruised something.
They didn't explain exactly what I bruised by grinding. The gum?
the nerve? Teeth are bone, so how could I bruise that? they might have
explained, I just didn't listen well. Anyway, filing of my tooth
ensued, and I have to go back in a month to see if it's settled down.
And to get a rubber mouth guard instead of the hard one I have.
I found this on -
It made me wonder if the government watches any people I know.
Also, it is incredibly ironic. It just makes me laugh. I think I'm
slaphappy from the excessive studying. Seriously, I just picture the
doorbell ringing. A typical suburban mom answering, and then yelling
"Jimmy, there are two Federal Agents here. Why don't you come down and
talk to them. I'll get you boys some snacks."
Oh damn, I need a life.
In other news, Crim law kicked everyone's ass on the exam. So anyway, two exams left then break.