Mar 06, 2005 13:19
the past few days have held a lot of significance in my life, for instance i got my car, getting insurance, i now have a debit card and also my parents have finally trackdme down.
turns out my parents managed to access my cell phones voice mail box by calling cingular and asking them to clear the password or whatever. i guess fred left a noteworthy message too lol awesome. but on other notes my parents thought i was staying with jason miller. thats right, jason. i have no idea who told them this but they def get super brownie points, or maybe even cookie points.
unfortunantly my parents did find where i actually am this morning. i guess my mom called mrs. warren and ended up getting that information from her. oh well stuff happens.
so now mny parents want to meet with me at 7 tonight and talk about things. i also got a lot of information from mrs. dalkas meeting with my mom yesterday. so now i know what to expect and how my mom is going to handle this.
all i have to say is, i am driving over there on my own, and if anything happens i don't like i am outa there. even thought there are 3 people who would possibly try to stop me, they don't stand a chance if it comes down to that.
in other news, i found out what my mom did last monday andwh she was after my clarinet. she ended up talking to dr pop about this whole thing and the social worker (also my advisory teacher...) is going to pull me out of class to talk to me about this whole thing. i am not missing 4th period, even if i have to walk out of the room without permission or whatever.
all in all i don't know whats going to happen after today. it turns out my mom kinda wants to get me back. but i don't believe her. i think she'll get me back moved in and then i'll be fucked.
well i have hw to do, and not much time to do it, i suspect to be stuck over and my prents house for at least 2 hours if not onger since thats how long my mom managed to keep mrs dalka last night.
i'll check u on the flip side
edis pilf eht no u kcehc ll'i