Dec 16, 2005 10:48
I haven't been this clear headed in a while. I told myself I'd sleep for a few hours and then wake up and study before my test but now its pretty much test time. but I feel wonderful. and I dont know why but all of my friends journal entries seem to be really depressing. and I dont know what baout live journal brings out the depressing sides of us. brandon is coming home soon so the cock sucker better call me. and I believe sunday is me hanging out with faith and shene? I believe and amanda leclere called and told me to stop being a vagina and hang out. my old boss asked if I wanted to go drink. I lost my fake in a drunken stupor. perhaps its better to live without one. I can't really seem to calm down from this high but I know in the test I'll go blank like I usually do and when I stare at the clock I'll realize I've already finished the test. everything is a blur when I take my seat and grab my pencil. I dont remember much of anythign that happens to me because they're unimportant and the only things that matter are those fragments of time between drunk and trashed. or high and stoned out of my mind. or a combination of both. good break? maybe lets hope so. my friend just called he says hes fucked for the test. I smile because I'm a god in physics. too bad the class is f in ridiculous. 5% A's haha... I hate you fat POS