One ejaculation is 300 million sperm!

Nov 28, 2005 13:31

That's what I learned today in anatomy today. I also learned the only 1% of semen actually consists of sperm. Weird huh? All the other crap that makes up semen is secretions from various glands like the protate and the seminiferious gland.

My body is being weird today. I can't stop being hot and feeling clammy. It's gross. I don't feel like I'm getting sick or anything though. I feel fine other than being too hot.

I can't believe it's only 2 weeks until finals! My finals week sucks. I have 2 lab finals during dead week and 3 finals on the wednesday of finals week and one on thursday. Shitty. It should be outlawed to have more than one final on each day of finals week.

I also went to owen library today to make some copies...there are no copy machines that take coins..everything is copy card only. I even asked at the help desk. So I went to holland library and it was the same thing. It was very annoying and a waste of my time. It costs 5 dollars to get a new copy card...I didn't want 50 copies, nor did I have 5 dollars on me. It was all highly irritating and a waste of 20 minutes.

I need to study for my upcoming physiology test this thursday. I just want to play final fantasy x and nap.
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