His nose twitches. There was the distinct lack of ocean spray in the air. For that matter, there was a distinct lack of motion indicating he was still aboard his vessel as well. Startled eyes open wide and it so happens to be a stone ceiling staring back at him instead of the open sky. The first thought to run through his mind was - jailed.
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Kevas stops when he sees Jack, bringing the bottle away from his lips and wiping them off on the sleeve of his leather armor. It looks like he's studying Jack for a moment before nodding his head in approval.
"Nice hat mon."
Jack raises a hand to his hat, to be sure that it is still even there," Um, thanks."
He has a almost suspicious look on his face. "You're not here to give me a warning of my impending demise, are you? Or otherwise, through action or inaction of your own, kill, maim, or harm me in anyway?"
Have to cover all the bases first.
Well now it's Kevas' turn to look confused. "I don't t'ink so. I was just gettin' sometin' to drink."Speaking of which, Kevas takes another swig from his bottle.
At least this guy isn't asking him about bridges or goats or whatever it is that pink-skins think trolls do.
Jack waves a hand at the bottle, very interested in that he is," Do tell me, is there Rum in yon container?"
A delirium was always better, with thirsts quenched.
Whoever this guy is he can search for his own liquor just like Kevas had to do.
"Oh. Well then. I'll just have to go and get my own... I guess."
Greedy hallucination aren't ye? He starts to stagger past the, creature, and head in the way of where it had come from. Surely the rum was down this hall then? Right?
He turns back to the very green tall fellow with the bottle.
"You wouldn't be able to point me in the right direction, would you? It's all discombobulated." He pauses. Thinks about it a moment and adds, "Nice hat."
"Dere be a towah right by da stables. It be havin' all da liquah joo could want." Although Kevas isn't sure that this guy needs more liquor. He looks like he can barely stand as is. Of course he's not about to tell the man what he can or can not do. Kevas doesn't really care what he does.
Kevas smirks, "T'anks."
Grouchy lad. Not very piratey at all.
He looks back down the hall. "Oh, well, near the stables you say? Ah, then, right. Thank you, I'll just be on my way."
He makes good on his word, as best as he does. Swagger, stagger and all.
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