part four

Jul 12, 2013 21:17

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Volumes of Silence vixx, leo/hongbin
Untitled ze:a, kevin/ ( Read more... )

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Tell Me Everything [ft. Krystal/Sulli] (pt 1) anonymous August 10 2013, 11:10:09 UTC
At three in the morning, everything is louder.

Jessica knows this to be true but she is pretty certain that she wasn’t the one who caused one of the floorboards to creak just now.

She freezes.

This is ridiculous. She thinks as she’s paused in the dark hallway of her house with one foot an inch from the ground and her arms spread wide for balance. She’s in her twenties for god’s sake. Why on earth does she still have to sneak in and out of home?

The back door isn’t far from her bedroom - only thirty steps separate her from the refuge of her room.

Thirty seconds pass before Jessica decides to lower her foot to the floor gently, but just as she does another creak sounds from around the corner and this time she’s 100% sure that she wasn’t the cause of it.

From five feet in front of her a head pops around the doorframe to the kitchen cautiously. Krystal’s eyes widen and she quickly retreats when she sees Jessica standing frozen in the hallway.

“Yah, get back here!” Jessica whispers shrilly, body tensed as she scurries on her tiptoes to where Krystal has disappeared.

She catches Krystal with one hand on the door handle of their front door and Krystal sighs, knows there’s no use in trying to escape now. She turns around and grimaces when she catches the predatory look on Jessica’s face.

“Where have you been?” Jessica asks and crosses her arms, pretends she hasn’t just crept into the house much like Krystal had.

But Krystal decides to play dumb.

“What do you mean Unnie? I was just hungry and wanted a snack.”

Jessica raises an eyebrow, really Krystal?

“Dressed like that and with - wait, oh my god, Krystal. Is that a hickey?” Jessica whispers shrilly with her mouth wide open.

Krystal’s hand reaches up to cover a bruised mark on her neck and her voice is a little more high-pitched than normal when she replies.

“Of course not, Unnie, it's just-” But Jessica’s not listening, she peeks through the small windows of their front door looking for any sign of a boy or a car or a bald man with tattoos and piercings, but she sees nothing and turns her attention back to Krystal.

“You have a boyfriend? Who is he? Do I know him? Is he older than you? Is he in a gang? Why didn’t you tell Unnie?” Jessica whines and the questions poor from her mouth without a filter.

Krystal shakes her head but smiles in a way that says she’s not telling the whole truth.

“No, I don’t have a boyfriend, so don’t worry, okay?” Her hand drops from her neck like she’s forgotten why it was there, and Jessica’s eyes zoom in on the round bruise that’s revealed.

Krystal is lying, she’s so lying!

Jessica raises her hand accusingly, fully intending to confront Krystal about her lying ways when a muffled beep sounds from the bag at Krystal’s hip. Jessica wouldn’t exactly say she’s been blessed with the most athletic genes in the world, but apparently she has enough because the bag ends up in her possession and Krystal’s phone is in her hand.

Grinning manically, she manages to keep Krystal at bay just long enough to read the incoming message on the device’s screen.

Soojung-ah~ I always have the most fun when I’m with you. I’ll love you forever, you know that right? ♥ ♥ ♥

“Oh,” She pouts and lets Krystal snatch the object from her hand, “It’s just a message from Jinri. I thought it was your boyfriend texting you or something.”


Re: Tell Me Everything [ft. Krystal/Sulli] (pt 2) anonymous August 10 2013, 11:20:10 UTC
The way Krystal’s eyes take in the message on her phone like it was what she’d been waiting for all night makes Jessica think that there’s more at hand than she knows.

“Wait,” she says after a second, blinking rapidly as clarity surfaces. “Wait, oh my god. Jinri?”

Krystal’s eyes snap up from the screen of her phone to look at Jessica with wide eyes.

“You and Jinri? She’s who you were just with? She’s the one who left the - that bite on your neck.”

A brush of red lights Krystal’s cheeks and even though the stutters out a, “No Unnie, of course not,” Jessica knows better. Krystal has never acted this uncool in her life and Jessica knows Jinri must have something to do with it.

Jessica pulls Krystal over to the sofa and forgets that it’s three-thirty in the morning and they’re trying not to wake their parents up, when she rests her chin in her hands and commands, “Tell me everything Soojung-ah. Spill all your secrets out to Unnie.”

“No,” Krystal deadpans and Jessica smiles at the response that she was completely expecting, but she knows Krystal will give in eventually if she keeps staring at Krystal’s face just like she's doing.

Three, two, one-

“Fine, Unnie, just stop staring at me. It’s creepy.” Krystal gives in and Jessica claims her victory.

Krystal looks slightly fearful as she stares at her hands and a blush raises to her cheeks as she recounts how she had liked Jinri for years but only realized it recently, and when she finally gathered up the courage to tell her, Jinri had kissed her underneath a tree at the park down the street. That had been about a month ago apparently. Krystal mentioned that the love bite on her neck was the first time Jinri had ever done that, and Jessica couldn’t help but coo at her little sister.

“You’re growing up, Soojung-ah, it’s so cute!” Jessica squeals and throws her arms around Krystal’s neck. Krystal shushes her with a glare and growls out, “Stop it Unnie,” but she looks relieved.

When Krystal yawns Jessica glances at the clock on the wall.

“Get some sleep now. It sounds like you’ve had a tiresome night,” Jessica teases with a grin as she rises from the sofa and stretches. Her feet are sore from wearing heels all night and she can feel the tag from her new dress scratching into her back.

She pads her way quietly towards the hallway where her room is and Krystal speaks up from behind her, “Wait. What were you doing out tonight, Unnie?”

Jessica pauses for a moment before murmuring a rushed, “Nothing. Nothing at all. Goodnight, sis!” and darting into her room. She hears Krystal whine, “Jessica-Unnie,” but the door is closed before Krystal can utter another word.

Breathing out a sigh of relief, Jessica pulls her dress over her head and glances at the love bites that decorate her chest briefly, before she makes her way into her bed.

Krystal does not need to know what Jessica had been up to earlier. No, definitely not.


Re: Tell Me Everything [ft. Krystal/Sulli] (pt 3) anonymous August 10 2013, 11:25:22 UTC
The next evening at the dinner table Jessica sleepily stabs her chopsticks into her food and tries to contain a yawn.

From the head of the table her father sighs and speaks up.

“That’s it. Sooyeon-ah, Soojung-ah, why are you both so tired? You can barely keep your eyes open,” he says with a frown.

Krystal blinks rapidly and looks to Jessica for help.

Rubbing a fist against her eyes Jessica replies with the first thing that comes to her mind.

“Krystal woke me up in the middle of the night because she was having a nightmare, and because I’m an amazing sister I couldn’t tell her to go away.”

Krystal drops her chopsticks into her food stubbornly and glares at Jessica from her place across the table.

“Soojung-ah,” their father says sternly with a slight frown on his face, “Stop watching scary movies before you go to bed. All you two do when you’re tired is sit on the couch and eat ice cream. Get more sleep, the both of you.”

Both Jessica and Krystal bow their heads and chime in agreement, but Krystal makes sure to poke her tongue out at Jessica before focussing her attention back on the food in front of her.

Jessica reaches her foot out beneath the table and not so accidentally kicks Krystal in the calf. Krystal glares again and coughs something that sounds suspiciously like ‘you’re an ass’ into her fist and Jessica just grins.

This is how big sisters are meant to act right? Jessica just wants Krystal to know that nothing has changed between them after what they’d talked about last night.

The two of them are assigned cleaning up duties as their parents leave the house in order to pick up some dessert from the closest convenience mart and just as Jessica’s about to pick up the last dirty bowl from the table she hears the chime of Krystal’s phone from the kitchen.

Krystal all but runs towards her phone and Jessica feels herself smile at Krystal’s actions.

“Ooh,” she sing-songs, “Could it be that one, Choi Jinri has just texted you?”

Krystal doesn’t answer - she’s too busy tapping away at the keys on her phone - so Jessica walks over to her and continues.

“Despite the fact that Jinri’s a close dongsaeng of mine, let her know that if she breaks my baby sister’s heart I’ll be having a very stern conversation with her.”

“Unnie,” Krystal whines as Jessica wraps her arms around her and tries to read the thread of conversation between her and Jinri, “Stop it, you’re being embarrassing.”

Jessica places a kiss to Krystal’s cheek before walking off into the lounge room.

“Love you too, baby sis,” she calls over her shoulder and grins again as she hears Krystal mumble, “stupid, embarrassing Unnie,” under her breath.

Embarrassing? Krystal doesn’t know the meaning of the word yet. But Jessica wholeheartedly believes that the next time Choi Jinri comes over to their house for a visit, Jessica will have the time of her life.

Oh, yes. She thinks about all the things she could say to the couple to make them turn red. It’ll be a lot of fun.

[thanks for the prompt anon~ :D]


Re: Tell Me Everything [ft. Krystal/Sulli] (pt 3) anonymous August 11 2013, 05:07:28 UTC
not op but wtf why is this so cute, i love this


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