Mar 25, 2007 23:14
So I did something really grown up today... not just grown up... sickly grown up thing. I cleaned up my lawn. Picked up sticks, raked leaves, cleaned up the dog shit. Got rid of the stuff from the lady before me. Crazy!
Have to go shopping tomorrow for new clothes. But things for my stove. Finish cleaning up my car. Get some dirt and grass seed for my yard.
So grown up. But Im getting lonely here all by myself. 6 and 7 weeks left till my girls come back!
Iowa City was fun last nite. Except for the holes and scratches on my legs for some girls heels at the bars. And I wasnt even drunk!
Sometime I feel like I missed out by not staying in college. Living in Iowa City didnt give the total college effect. But then I think of the homework and how it woulda sucked!
Off to play slingo