I’ve uploaded almost all of my published Git repositories (previously hosted on a git-only server on on switchb.org, which is down at the moment) to
my account on GitHub. Please update your remote URLs if you have any git clones.
The motivation for this change is simply that GitHub offers better visibility - an automatic web presence for each project, including viewing repository contents. I am not intending to depend on GitHub’s continued existence, of course; I still have local copies of each project, and additionally I plan to arrange so switchb.org automatically mirrors my GitHub repositories.
What I've just uploaded to GitHub also includes a project which I have not previously mentioned,
A user interface experiment. Multiple types of time-series data, variously static/interactive, historical/future, etc. are displayed in a single view. (This was an idea I had floating around and which I used in 2010 for a class project; there is a lot more that could be done with it.) Written in Java.
I was going to write more about the concept, but I never got around to it; this will have to do.
List of projects just moved to GitHub: