2014 wrap-up post!

Mar 02, 2014 23:18

hello everyone!! the hard deadline has passed, february is over, and we have 78 finished valentine's day fics! if you haven't read them, you can see all the wonderful fills at the masterpost here. countless fandoms are represented!

if you are the owner of an inbox, I urge you to be gracious and thank the writers who filled your prompts. regardless of the quality, length, anything-- they took time out of their lives to write you a story, so please be thankful and polite!

unfortunately, not everyone was able to complete their fills by the deadline. for this reason, cinoire (0/0), haneure (1/2), cwtchness (0/3), luhannie (1/3), staygame (2/3), and ninaful_10 (0/3) are banned from any future editions of kpopvalentines. if you feel you have been unfairly banned, or are confused in any way as to how this happened, please pm this account and I'll be happy to explain and sort it out.

in addition, if you have any questions or suggestions about how this exchange was handled, feel free to comment on this post!

I want to thank everyone who participated in kpopvalentines this year--this was by no means easy, but I'm extremely proud of not only the amount of people who participated, but the huge amount of fills that were produced. overall, it was hugely successful, and every inbox had at least one filled prompt.

I'd also like to thank onyu, sol_tama, and gdgdbaby, who provided countless paragraphs worth of advice, wonderful google doc spreadsheets, and all kinds of modding assistance when I couldn't be by the computer. this exchange absolutely would not have happened without your help and guidance, so thank you so, so much.

and with that, this year's kpopvalentines is concluded! happy reading, and thank you again!


mod, 2014

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