Sep 07, 2010 16:14
- Community name
* The community will be PUBLIC
* We will allow anon recommendations :)
* We will allow locked recommendations
* Custom comment pages will be disabled.
* Optional reason for reccing (unless you are reccing a locked fic. The you MUST include a reason)
* Archive page format
* Fics will be arranged by newest recs first. Then by rating from G - NC-17 in their respective catergories.
* OT3/OT5 fics have their own category at the bottom of the archive pages.
* Crossovers gets its own archive post
* Fics with more than one pairing (that isn't ot3/ot5) will be listed by main pairing first.
Also any other comments/questions/suggestions, please post them here. Anon commenting is acceptable :)