
Jul 09, 2015 11:07

🌟kpop writers friending meme🌟

want to find friends to motivate you to finish your wips or flesh out ideas with? this friending meme is for kpop writers to talk about any aspect of kpop fic with others of the same interests!

if you have any questions/comments/concerns about the meme, let me know by commenting here and i will address it asap! also: if your comment is marked as spam, please sit tight and wait for me to unmark it.

✶ form details ✶(nick)name:
age/gender: optional!
writing platform: where you post your fic
where you are most active to talk about fic:
other blog/twitter/etc: optional! personal or fandom blog; lj, tumblr, dreamwidth, twitter, etc.

other fandoms: optional! example: harry potter, game of thrones
other interests: optional! example: piano, learning mandarin
aspects of writing you want to discuss:what would you want to talk about or do you need feedback on? can be anything or everything, serious and/or casual! example: plot, grammar, pacing, etc.

other info: optional! any additional information you want to add for your potential fic friends!

so here's the comment form!
writing platform: LINKTEXT
where you are most active to talk about fic: LINKTEXT
other blog/twitter/etc: * LINKTEXT

kpop groups you write for:
other fandoms:
aspects of writing you want to discuss:

other info:

please help the train of friendship move along by linking/pimping!

for kpop fandom writers who want to friends to talk fic with!
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