Oct 24, 2008 02:22
Warnings: boring post below.. don't read if you can't stand it!
"No Excuse Sunday"
To make it possible for everyone to attend church this Sunday, we are going to have a special "No Excuse Sunday":
Cots will be placed in the foyer for those who say, "Sunday is my only day to sleep in."
There will be a special section with lounge chairs for those who feel that our pews are too hard.
Eye drops will be available for those with tired eyes from watching TV late Saturday night.
We will have steel helmets for those who say, "The roof would cave in if I ever came to church."
Blankets will be furnished for those who think the church is too cold, and fans for those who say it is too hot.
Scorecards will be available for those who wish to list the hypocrites present.
Relatives and friends will be in attendance for those who can't go to church and cook dinner, too.
We will distribute "Stamp Out Stewardship" buttons for those that feel the church is always asking for money.
One section will be devoted to trees and grass for those who like to seek God in nature.
Doctors and nurses will be in attendance for those who plan to be sick on Sunday.
The sanctuary will be decorated with both Christmas poinsettias and Easter lilies for those who never have seen the church without them.
We will provide hearing aids for those who can't hear the preacher and cotton wool for those who can.
Author Unknown
From the Joyful Noiseletter
Anyone found the scenario above familiar? Ironic... but it's always easy to forget Him in our busy lives (or even not-so-busy ones :P).. it's easy to claim "He didn't care for me" in times of troubles yet in better times, we easily forget about Him..
i might've said that He'd forgotten me, that He didn't even care to help me in whatever i've gone through for these past six months... but.. when i think again, He'd never once left my side.. He's been by my side through my every problems, He's there for me through the presence of my friends, who never got tired from my endless rantings and complaints, through the kind people who often cook for me every evening (you know who you are :P), through supportive parents and siblings i have, through the "long-lost" cousin of mine who's suddenly there again to give me advice (thanks.. i really appreciate it..), through every little bit of joy i could find in my dance or music classes, through everyone who've always told me to "never give up", right till this moment.. He's always been there.. it's just me who chose not to see.. it's me who's blinded by... by my own troubles, pain.. i can only see the pains that i forgot to count my blessings, to see that He does not forget me... not ever.
Now.. no matter what i've done or what i'm gonna do, i'd try my best to do all that i can, for the rest of the time i had left here.. so that when i look back, i can tell myself that 'hey, it's okay.. things don't always work out as what you want them to be.. but at least you tried your best.. He knows the best for you.. if it's meant to be yours, you'll have it.. if it's not, it's not... you can never force it'..
Even if i have to leave, at least i leave with no regrets.. and i'd forever miss them... my friends.. my second family, whose presence i've been taking for granted for all this time.. i'm glad to be given this chance to stay here.. i never once regret anything about it... i'm thankful... i'm blessed... Thanks God... you've been so kind to me.. please keep on guiding me through the rest of this journey... i'd never forget all happiness and joy i've had here, even the most short-lived ones.
Thanks for all your support. (you guys know who you are :)).