Round 14: Closet Freak

May 09, 2013 16:43

Title: Closet Freak
Team: Canon
Rating: R
Fandom: SHINee
Pairing: Minho/Key, Jonghyun/Key
Summary: Sometimes revenge is the only way to find the truth.
Author's Note: A huge thank you to my best friend for helping me come up with an idea and steering me away from the bad ones as well as Beta-ing for me <3 And a huge thanks to the Olymfics tlist for holding my hand. I used the lyrics but it was more inspired by the supplementary prompt
Prompt Used: EXID - Every Night.

I see you looking so I grab him, kiss him hard, bite on his lip in the most seductive way I can, because I know you're watching, and I know it hurts you. I mean you don't even mask it, you never have. Your competitive nature is brought out especially now I'm fucking Jonghyun. Well, he's fucking me, but technicalities. Really this was all your own fault, I didn't want to become like this. I didn't really want to jump into Jonghyun's bed, but I can't help but love the way it hurts you. I mean look at you, staring at me and all I'm doing is kissing him and maybe just that slight hip roll, you know the one. That hip roll that drove you mad when you were injured just before Lucifer promotions, when you were on bed rest. You know exactly what I'm talking about and so does he.

Oh, c'mon Minho, you and I both know that you didn't mean a relationship when you got into my bed during Juliette promotions. We both know you just wanted a good fuck and then to move on. I mean isn't that what you said to me the first time - that we were only going to end up doing this once? Although I might have misheard as you mumbled it into my happy trail. Our first night was mind-blowing for me, I don't know about you. Well, I must have been pretty good as you came back for more. Not-so-gently grabbing my wrist and pulling me into the shower with you and all that. You thought you were being subtle about it, but everyone knew. Onew just didn't want to bring it up as you always were a little touchy about sexuality.

I'm an open book, you can't hold something this fabulous down but you, I mean seriously Minho -you weren't fooling anyone. You can't tell the band you only like chicks but then spend most nights with me, it just doesn't work like that. There's nothing wrong with liking what we did. Well, you loved what we did. I didn't want us to be like this, we spent so long in that cycle. Each time I'd tell myself this was the last time I let you use me and every time you got into my bed I'd give in to you. I let you degrade me near constantly, I let you use me when you wanted me and I always felt hurt when you ignored my feelings. I let you hurt me for years. Years, Minho, years I spent waiting for you to decide I was more than just a booty call.

But of course, I was waiting in vain because that day was never going to come, let's be honest here Minho. You told everyone that you were straight, I mean everyone accepted it, but we all knew you were sleeping with me. Because, let's be honest, Minho if I wasn't what you liked, why were you begging for it every night? You never answered that particular question, and now you can't because I don't have anything to say to you. Sure, we put on a show for the fans, the cameras and so our company doesn't sense something is up, but once we are back in the dorm I have nothing to do with you, I actually go out of my way to find things to do so I won't have to see you.

It was around the time Hello came out that I began to realise that you were never going to ask me to be your boyfriend, mainly because the lyrics - so reminiscent of love - reminded me nothing of you, and only of myself. My stupid feelings that I let get in the way of logical judgement about us, and about you. I mean, I knew at that point that I couldn't continue the way we were for much longer, it was killing me on the inside slowly. Even if you're determined to remain closeted and unhappy, Minho, I am not. Why should I be unhappy for you?

I ended it as Sherlock promotions ended. I’d finally had enough, you finally pushed me over the edge when I had to watch you flirting with someone else. I sound like a jealous and possessive bitch, especially considering that I have no legitimate claim on you, but I thought what we had was special, of course I was wrong, it was just sex and that was all it would ever be. But then you kissed me and whispered those sweet words and I let you have your way again and again and again. Until the day Jonghyun found me crying. It was after our goodbye stage, and we'd slept together but I'd woken up to an empty bed, and when Jonghyun came in, I was curled up, sobbing. He pulled me close and said: "Why do you let him torture you like this?"

And that got me thinking, why was I letting you treat me the way you do? That was when I decided to move on. When I really started putting my foot down. The first time you really tried to get me to concede to your overbearing will, I nearly almost gave in. I was really proud that night and from then, I vowed never to let you make me feel the way you used to, and then you stopped trying to sleep with me and I thought that it wasn't hurting you enough. I know I sound like a bitch, but I knew that Jonghyun was interested so I started to flirt with him - totally shamelessly, of course - and in no time we were dating.

And when I knew it hurt you, I just had to carry on because, dammit, Minho I love that you're hurting almost as much as you hurt me. One day I hope you'll walk in,hear me and Jonghyun making love the way we should have, and the look in your eyes will tell me you wish it was you whose arms were wrapped around me as I sleep at night, but it never can be you because you had your chance, and you had me so in love with you, and you blew it. You screwed it all up for some masculine sense of pride or whatever. Maybe one day you'll come out, maybe one day, you'll try to win me back, but even then when you say "Kibum, can't we just go back to before?" I will shake my head and then you will ask, "Why are you doing this to me?" and I will smirk and say simply:

"Because, Minho, it is my turn to torture you."

Poll Round 14: Closet Freak

2013 round 13: every night, !fic post, cycle: 2013, team canon, fandom: shinee

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