Round 5: one day, two days (time is passing by)

Jun 02, 2011 21:29

Title: one day, two days (time is passing by)
Team: AU
Rating: R
Fandom: MBLAQ
Pairing: Hinted Jihoon (Rain)/Seungho
Summary: When they took on this mission, they thought it would be just like every other mission they've ever done. They were mistaken, and now they have to find a way to escape the dream that's slowly turning into a nightmare.
Prompt ( Read more... )

cycle: 2011, team au, fandom: mblaq, 2011 round 5: stay

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Comments 3

compatable June 6 2011, 09:06:51 UTC
i love this. i love how you nail their hilarity, i think that is what's most grabbing to me here. I JUST REALLY LIKE THIS FIC GDI. so well-balanced in characterization and plot. also, i'm glad you took some risks when you wrote this, because i feel like the fic wouldn't be as creative and full-fledged without them being mblaq.


starlitbright June 12 2011, 12:19:08 UTC
I really liked the humour in this, and, ngl, I love Inception!au. It was interesting watching everyone's slow degradation into believing that limbo is the real world, and how their dream persona (which is what we think they're like) differed to what Seungho perceived them to be in the ~real world~ I especially liked the ambiguity at the end - did they die or really wake up in the real world? Either way, great fic ♥


ladadadi July 13 2011, 23:44:43 UTC
i read this when it first came out, but i just realized i never left a comment, so! i absolutely love this fic. i'm a sucker for inception aus, and i think you did an excellent job with the ambiguity that goes along with the universe. it's funny how this is actually a canon fic in some ways, since they are actually canon mblaq in this reality, but at the same time there's obviously something wrong, and the way you wrote seungho's doubts is so good that it makes me wonder if i'm not trapped in limbo too, lol. i don't know, i feel like i'm being really ineloquent but basically i adore this fic and i'm really looking forward to reading more of your work once the reveals go up!


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