ROUND 13: 4 times Dongwoon got confused (and 1 time he figured things out) (Team Canon)

Jun 06, 2010 22:30

Title: 4 times Dongwoon got confused (and 1 time he figured things out)
Team: Canon
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,906
Fandom: BEAST (feat. 4minute)
Pairing: Dongwoon/Sohyun
Summary: Dongwoon gets confused easily.
Author's Note: Forgive me for any grammar mistakes or typos; it was a little rushed and unbetaed.

The first time Dongwoon stepped into Cube Entertainment's building, he got lost. It was his first time, JYPE had assigned him there, but they never gave him any actual direction. He had to ask what seemed like a thousand people before he finally found the right office to drop his CD off. After he left, he bumped into several people, including one girl named Sohyun.

Neither of them paid any attention to the people they were bumping into - Sohyun with her girlfriends, Dongwoon busy checking his phone - and both of them missed the chance of what would be their future, their friend. Their love, perhaps.
The second time Dongwoon and Sohyun met was when they were in the waiting room in Cube Entertainment. Dongwoon was, like the first time they bumped into each other, busy with his phone. He wasn't actually nervous - he's already a JYPE trainee, they can't send him here just to terminate his contract or something. Right?

Before he had time to think about this, a girl with normal Korean look tapped him on his shoulder. "Good luck," she whispers - as if afraid to break the silence in the room, even though there was three other people there - assuming he's there for an interview of some sort like she was. Dongwoon almost lightly jumped at the tap, but when he saw that it was just a girl, he relaxed. She must be like, thirteen or something close to the age, Dongwoon assumed when he saw her face, but she had the height of someone older.

"You're interviewing too, right?" she asked, somewhat cutely. Dongwoon's guess as to why she was talking to him went to the lines of because he's the youngest looking person in that room (minus his height), what with his haircut and all. "No, not really, I'm under JYPE," he explained, then smiled. A quiet "Oh," goes almost unnoticed, then they're back into the silence. Sohyun seemed to think this over, her face changing now and then making Dongwoon unable to understand what she was thinking.

"Are you -"
"Was the interview hard?" she asked, finally, interrupting his words in the process. "Oh! Sorry, what was that?" she immediately apologized, her hands going up to her chest before being clapped tightly together. Her anxiety must've been showing, Sohyun thought, slightly embarrassed. It was the thought that she's going for an interview to become an idol was what got to her.
Dongwoon smiled, chuckled at her antics, obviously amused. He was like that once, only he managed to keep that anxious feeling under his skin. Or at least, he hoped so. Maybe that's why he's here. Because he can't keep his eagerness under the radar, because he's too nervous in front of people or something. Why else would JYPE send him here? For a moment, Dongwoon thinks he's going to freak out. But when he saw Sohyun's head tilt slightly to his right, he snaps back to reality.

"Um, I can't really remember," Dongwoon admitted, glad he caught her question before he went into his trance. He couldn't really remember, most of the memory of that day was a blur. Maybe it was because he didn't want to remember, because it was embarrasing. Maybe it was because he had a short memory. Whatever it was, Dongwoon's just hoping he's not getting kicked out, especially not since his 2PM hyungs are almost going to debut their single. Which he's really excited for, by the way. "It shouldn't be too hard," he said, smiling at the girl. She's got pretty looks, normal, but still pretty. Normal-pretty. If she can dance, she's sure to be accepted. "But I was kind of nervous," he said.

"I get what you mean," Sohyun muttered, playing with her fingers nervously. "It's not my first time, but..." "You're still a little nervous," Dongwoon repeated, nodding. He understood what she meant, he's been there, only maybe he was older than he was when he went to the interview. Again, they fell into a silence. The questions and uncertainty of why he's here comes back, so he doesn't really mind the silence, although he's really not usually a quiet person.

After about ten minutes, Dongwoon sneaks a glance at the girl. She seemed to be thinking too, so he doesn't say anything, he doesn't want to disturb her thoughts. He was about to go back to thinking when a middle aged lady called out his name, "Son Dongwoon," almost echoing around the room. Dongwoon stood up almost immediately, took a glance (again) at Sohyun.

"Good luck," he smiled, then made his way towards the lady. Sohyun smiled warmly, then went back to her plan just in case she didn't make the cut. There was always people to hire her - she had a good record. But being in a group could be a nice change.

The third time Sohyun and Dongwoon met had been planned, by the three managers who well, managed their respective group. It's been at least a month since B2ST was formed (four weeks of agonizing torture they call practice) and he's not really sure how long the girl group they're about to meet had been around. The managers had talked about the other group before, but this was the first time they're actually going to meet face-to-face. They thought that it would be nice to see the two groups having a sister-brotherly relationship, and that the fans would be delighted if they could see this side of them.

Both Dongwoon and Sohyun was, more or less, surprised when the managers gathered them all together, mainly because they had met once, and really, what are the chances that two strangers who met in an office would end up together with the managers thinking it would be best for them to 'bond-up'? The managers thought that bringing the two maknaes was a good idea. Being maknaes are a little hard, they have to push theirselves hard, to perfect their dance moves, their voices. Being youngest members, the insecurities run high, that you couldn't perform, that you couldn't match the other members' abilities, that you were useless to the group. The elders of their groups are kind enough to try to comfort them, but the insecurities were still there. It helped, that they supported them.

"Hyunah, Jiyoon, Sohyun, Gayoon, Jihyun," "Doojoon, Hyunseung, Junhyung, Yoseob, Gikwang, Dongwoon," two of the managers said, "You'll be staying near each other pretty soon, so get knowing!" the third said, somewhat grinning. "Um, Joongun-ssi," Doojoon paused, what really did the managers expect them to do, exactly? They were as confused as though the managers were asking them to... Do something out of their range of comprehension or something. As if the could read their minds, one of the managers continued, "Over dinner."

Yoseob was the first to let out a sigh of relief, followed by the others who were holding their own breaths. Once the mood was lightened, they almost immediately started talking to each other, in the topic of food as the managers took out the frozen things from the fridge. "You're going to cook, by the way," they said, and being the kids they are at heart, almost all of them whined. Dongwoon couldn't help but to smile at this. When his eyes caught the sight of Sohyun, he smoothly slipped to her side. "Hey," he said amidst the chaos. She replied with a smile, and a little "Hi."

It had been a year since their ski trip with each other, and both sides agreed that the bond between 4minutes and B2ST had definitely increased, especially the two maknaes. Being young, Sohyun and Dongwoon was bound to fall in love with one of the members of the groups easily, or so that's what Dongwoon thought. So, he dismisses the feelings he ever had towards Sohyun, even though she's really the only one in the group he has any type of attraction to. Sometimes, he liked to think the feelings he had for Sohyun was purely sister-brotherly.

So, one day, when Sohyun suddenly comes up to him and told Dongwoon she liked him, he's a little confused on what to feel, what to tell her. He took the easiest way out, he told Sohyun that her emotions are unstable and that her feelings for him will pass. He's more than a little confused when she started laughing, "Dongwoon-ah, I meant I like you only as a big brother!" she explained, her white teeth showing when she smiled. Dongwoon laughed a little, rubbing the back of his head, "I knew that," he smiled, then ruffled the girl's hair. He was seventeen. He should be able to let that thing called 'crushing' go already. But there was no mistaking the sadness in his heart when she said 'as a brother'. Seriously, what really did his heart want?!

It took him two years. Two years plus some to finally figure things out, to figure out his emotions. It was during BEAST's (B2ST had changed names for certain reasons) promotion for their new album, Shock of the New Era, that he figured things out. Then, 4minute was in Hong Kong, doing their own promotion, when he caught himself gazing at Channel [V] as they showed 4minute in Hong Kong. He noted how good they all were, but how awkward they were when they were being interviewed.

No matter how hard he tried, his eyes always seemed to go back to Sohyun. Her cute, brownish-reddish hair, her gleaming eyes as she danced on stage, as they all were being interviewed by the press, her happy face as they were being stormed by fans. He realized, he missed spending time with her. The last time had been what seemed like ages ago, and really... Dongwoon missed it. He missed the way they would eat together with the other members, but still. He missed it when Sohyun and him would sit around, watching the other members cook while they chatted.

"Woonie-ah, what're you up to?" Yoseob asked him, sitting on the couch before looking at the TV. 4minutes. Ah, he was so proud of his little sibling group. They debuted earlier than BEAST did, but he couldn't help but to treat them as little sisters. Yoseob glanced at Dongwoon, noticing the way he's looking at them, at Sohyun, specifically. He's the 'cute' one, but he's actually, also the one who notices things the most.

"Missing her, huh?" That got Dongwoon's attention, or at least half of it. "Yeah," he replied, unsurprisingly not surprised at Yoseob's words. "Hyung, how do you tell someone you like her? You know, without altering the relationship you already have with her?" Dongwoon asked, hoping to get an answer that he could actually use.

Yoseob looked back at the TV, "You can't, Dongwoon-ah. You see, even if you don't want the relationship you have with her to change, the fact is, it will. It's you choice for it to be for the better, or for the worse," he says, but Yoseob's pretty certain that it'll be for the best. He's seen the way Sohyun looked at Dongwoon, and really? He thinks they're in love with each other, only a little uncertain.

Dongwoon nodded, thought this over. "Thanks hyung," he said, then went back to staring at Sohyun and the other 4minute members.


"Sohyun-ah? How's Hong Kong?"


Joongun is one of their managers.

!fic post, fandom: beast, fandom: 4minute, team canon, 2010 round 13: sign

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