Title: Beautiful Angel with Gems's Beasts
Team: AU
Rating: G
Fandom: Park Shin hye, 2PM, Beast
Pairing/Focus: Park Shinhye/Ok Taecyeon, Park Shinhye/Yong Junhyung
Summary: It is a story written by Park Shinhye. She wrote it from 14 March 2017. After come back from strange trip which started from 25 Dec 2016 till 18 Feb 2017.
She wrote down everything happened because Taecyeon asked her that to know how much she loved that person which she decided to not forget him forever.
But later, she met this person and saw him lied at her so she finally let go of her memories with him and decided to open her heart for Taecyeon again. She wrote that as letter in the end of the book.
Warnings: Nothing
Prompt Used: Day6 - Letting Go