Round 8: Lipsynch (TEAM CANON)

Jun 01, 2010 22:59

Title: Lip-Synch
Team: Cannon
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: SHINee
Pairing: Jonghyun/Key
Summary:The many kisses in Key's life and the feelings that followed.
Prompt Used: F(x) - Chu

Everyone knows that there are many kinds of kisses. But you really don't think about it until something takes your world so off-center that it makes you value that one unusual kiss you received more than anything. That is when you realize: even if there are many kinds of kisses on the planet, every single one of them speaks of love.


You don't even know each other that well yet. Sometime ago management simply told you you were going to debut as SHINee and introduced you to a bunch of awkward teenagers and a kid.

You all got along well at first, learning each other's names, training without rest, nursing aching wrists, ankles, and throats.

The night after the first performance was the first time his lips touched you. You thought nothing of it, can barely remember the chapped skin of his lips fluttering near your cheek gently. What that meant, you wish you had realized back then.

“What was that for?” Key reached a hand up for his own cheek, turning to look at a smiling Jonghyun.

“Just to celebrate our successful debut. I think you looked stunning.” His lips were stretched over pearly white teeth and Kibum could do nothing but blush slightly. It was also the first appearance of Diva-Key.

“Well, of course I did. I'm stunning all the time!”

Jonghyun burst out laughing, but nodded his head.


When they dyed your hair that horrid tangerine color, there was laughter from him. Even if the other members only looked at you with their jaws hanging, he started laughing right away, unrestrained sounds leaving his lips. You kinda wanted to punch him and cry at the same time.

A cute kiss changed your mind and you told yourself that the fluttering feeling in your chest was just hunger.

“Yah! Shut up!”

“S-s-sorry!” But he just keeps laughing, throwing a fit every time Key appears before his eyes. It's getting old very fast.

“Stop it!” Key kicks the unprotected shin right in front of him and Jonghyun's yelp brings a certain satisfaction. He doesn't expect to be tackled to the couch in revenge.

“Yaaaah! Stop it. You are just jealous of my awesomeness!” Key squirms under the weight of the lead singer, trying to push him off.

“Ah, Kibummie.” A kiss to his nose silences all protests. “I'm really sorry, but you know you're the only one of us who can work it. You look awesome, just really different.”

Key pouts and cuddles Jonghyun on the cushions. “Yeah, you keep laughing. One day it will be your turn.”

You made sure to laugh when the big Ring Ding Dong makeover happened.


You remember just bits of the third kiss, but it's enough to make you want to hide your face in embarrassment. You had won the Music Bank K-chart for Juliette and you wish you had not been so drunk.

“Will you stop crying anytime soon?” Key asked from his spot on the ground, craning his neck to watch his weeping bandmate. “It's been hours.”

Jonghyun had started tearing again after the third bottle of beer they had sneaked into the dorms. They were the only ones awake, the other members passed out around the living room. The only answer was a pitiful whimper.

Key rolled his eyes and made a effort to get up, closing his eyes for a second when the world threatened to turn upside down. It was the most difficult three steps of his life, but he made it to his bandmate, slumping down beside him. “There, there, It's okay.”

He didn't expect the harsh sob that followed. “Aw! Come on Jong, enough already. You cried for all the awards we're going to win in the future!” A head was buried in the crook between his neck and shoulder.

Resisting was futile and Jonghyun took his sweet time. When he finally calmed down, Key could feel the wetness on his shirt. “Better?” He asked dryly.

“Yes, thank you.” The lead singer sniffed and closed his hands on the fabric at Key's back.

“Hyung?” He tried to untangle himself from Jonghyun's arms, just to be squeezed closer.

The silence was heavy by the time Key's gasp cut the air. The wetness against the skin of his neck was definitely not tears and the suction that followed made his toes curl.

“Hyung! Jonghyun...” The rapper was not sure if he meant for that second word to come out sounding so much like a moan.

Key was seeing stars and had a very obscene secret in his pants by the time Jonghyun finally deemed his work done. He moved back and looked solemnly into his eyes.

“Kibum I...”

And then he passed out

The next day Key wore a turtleneck but wished he had the guts to wear his heart on his sleeve instead.


The one you counted as a fourth kiss was much more innocent and probably didn't have any meaning at all. But you had come to accept your feelings for him, knew that you leeched on the fleeting touches, needed them. The other thing that you have come to terms with is that you would never act on it.

The bustle of the first hours of filming was long gone. Key was already sick of his own song and it wasn't even time to promote it yet. He wanted to bang his head on the nearest wall when Ring Ding Dong chorus started to play yet again.

He was up and out the street before the 'dong'.

Key walked around the block with his head down, both hands in his pockets. He got quite a few stares, being dressed like that, but no one recognized him.

A little before the last turn and he was already anticipating the lecture from the manager on how they were crazy looking for him and 'you should be more responsible, young man'. Heh, he always talked like a old lady.

A tiny red bakery squashed between two tall buildings distracted him out of his reverie.

As if in a trance, he walked to the single door, wincing when it creaked in protest as he opened it. A blond head turned to look at him and he probably forgot to breathe for a few seconds.

“Kibummie! What are you doing here?” Jonghyun's smile was breathtaking.

“Just taking a walk. I thought you were in the bathroom.”

Key joined his band mate in looking over the displayed goods. Cakes, cookies, pies.

They jumped when an elderly woman suddenlly appeared behind the counter. She pointed at something in the sweets section and smiled gently. “That one is really good. I think you're going to like it.”

Key followed her finger. It was a cupcake. A pink and heart-shaped cupcake. He quickly looked back at the woman, cheeks flaring. She smiled knowingly.

“Ah! It looks really good!!” Jonghyun patted himself for his wallet and almost wailed when he found nothing. “I must have left it in my bag.”

With his heart thumping loudly, Key grabbed his own wallet from his back pocket. “Here, I will buy you one.”

“Oh! Seriously? Thank you Kibummie, you're really sweet.” He thought his heart would just stop beating altogether when a soft hand brushed his bangs away and Jonghyun's mouth made contact with his forehead. Key had to close his eyes and gulp at the tingling sensation on his skin.

He liked to think that the contact lasted just a little bit more than necessary.


It happened on the set of “Hello Baby.” You remember answering a incoming call, having trouble hearing what was being said with all the ruckus of several people and a kid running around. Your mom had to repeat it three times before you understood, choked sobs punctuating her sentences. And then your world fell apart.

No one noticed when Key slid down the wall, clutching the phone to his ear like a lifeline. He felt confused, betrayed.

“That can't be happening, no, that can't be, are you sure...” He whispered and the first of many sobs racked the thin body. A small palm came to rest on his leg and Key looked down to see Yoogeun looking up at him questioningly. He didn’t have any strength left, couldn’t lift a hand to comfort the little boy.

“Kibum?” The rapper wasn’t sure who was calling him, couldn’t see anything through the haze of tears that suddenly filled his eyes. Someone helped him up, almost dragged him out of the main room.

He sobbed and wailed, clutching his stomach and ripping his hair out. Kisses were being laid on his head and cheek, and he burrowed his sorrow in a warm neck.

It felt like hours before he was able to calm down, breathless and limp.

“Kibummie?” A hand lifted his bangs, soft lips pressing on his sweaty forehead. Key couldn’t help but moan as they descended to his cheek and then neck. He had wanted that so much and now had no force left to even think about it.

“Oh my God- Ah… I’m…” He started sobbing again, the pain was still too fresh. Jonghyun finally, finally kissed his lips and he could only whimper, closing his eyes against the swirl of emotions.

“I’m alone Jonghyun-hyung. She’s gone. It hurts.”

“I’m here.” Another quick peck on his lips. At least one of the tears he shed then was because he couldn’t feel it.

“She asked me so many times to go see her, and I didn’t. Too busy, too tired, too… stupid. And now I’m going to see her for the last time in a casket.” Key sighed. His head felt heavy and he dropped it on his hyung’s shoulder. “The one person who’s cared is gone.”

“I care.”

“You’re not her.” Key felt a weird numbness taking hold of his body, wasn’t able to control his tongue anymore and, at that moment, didn’t really care.

There was a pause and the rapper was sure Jonghyun flinched before hugging him closer.

“I care anyway. Give me a chance.”

And so Key lifted his head and did just that.


It took many of those kisses but eventually, by the time they had achieved perfect lipsynch, you finally felt whole again.

Poll Round 8: Lipsynch (TEAM CANON)

2010 round 8: chu~, !fic post, team canon, fandom: shinee

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