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Comments 10

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primroseshows June 21 2010, 20:36:44 UTC
I am crying on your behalf, three days? T___T You have a reading speed like mine, lol. A friend of mine said she sped through it all in about an hour or something and I was like: O___O are you kidding me! But thank you for sticking with it and finishing it!

You have analyzed the story 100% correctly, especially your point about Nichkhun being able to like Wooyoung! And tbh I didn't intend to make a "moral" or anything for this story, but it just sort of turned out that way in the end -- so I'm glad the point got across. :) And haha, I would have killed myself if I had left it Wooyoung never seeing Khun again. I am a total sucker for happy endings, myself.

Thank you so so much for this comment! You have no idea how much I appreciated it, when I saw it. ♥


biiesh June 8 2010, 18:40:45 UTC
i just started reading this afternoon and it's 9:30pm now. i was totally hooked, i had to finish it quickly.

anyway, how do i even start what i want to say?
i love this fic so much. infact i think the word fic sort of degrades it.
this story has been a MASTERPIECE. really. i swear to God i want it to be turned into a movie so bad. you portray feelings/emotions and morals and EVERYTHING so well. how it all flowed so smoothly to create a perfect story - my heart wrenched sometimes. i felt suspense, and sadness, and joy throughout the 5 chapters. really, i'm in awe. my friend told me this brilliantness is 52000 words? how do you even do that, ugh. i'm out of words sorry. again, i love this beautiful fairy tale so much.



primroseshows June 21 2010, 20:48:31 UTC
Holy crap, wow, please take a slice of my soul for reading this all in one sitting! That is amazing! Also, your comment is kind of terribly amazing as well. Can you see my ego getting bigger as I type this? Probably! I find it really cool that you'd like to see a movie of this, because I try to sort of handle the flow of my fics like a film would -- very few people have ever mentioned my tendency to do this, but it really makes me happy when they relate my stories to movies! I'm very glad you enjoyed this and that you had a lively reading experience, haha. ♥

Thank you again!! :)


chuchama June 11 2010, 03:32:31 UTC
To me it's like a beautiful mix of xxxHolic and Howl's Moving Castle (the book) but yet still original. Do you know how few people can actually pull that off? I just, I don't even -- well done Wooyoung!centric is always my favorite and you made him such a dynamic character. Everyone was super dynamic and the beginning just had me hooked and the build up was killing me but it a totally amazingly good way. Ugggghhhh I'm just drowning in the beauty and amazingness of this story.


primroseshows June 21 2010, 20:54:38 UTC
O___O!! I DON'T EVEN -- HOW DID YOU KNOW! I forgot to mention in my author's notes that the premise of Khun's shop was based on XXXholic, so yes, there definitely is that influence in this story. I've never read Howl's Moving Castle, but I've seen the Miyazaki film, and I had a feeling of that kind of "enchanted" situation for this fic, too -- and honestly, the first version of the ending had Wooyoung going off with Khun to help him with his shop as they travelled the world together, just like Sophie and Howl. The plot didn't end up veering in that direction (because otherwise Jay's role would have to be minimized, and I didn't want that), but I'm still tossing that idea around for a possible sequel, lol.

Thank you so much for your comment! I did work hard on Wooyoung's character and I'm really relieved that he was believable and not... boring, I guess, haha. ♥ Your enjoyment is my happiness. ♥


peachmacaroons June 22 2010, 18:32:19 UTC
spent the better half of the work day reading this... and it was amazingly well done. From the plot, to the characterizations, to the small but powerful connection between Wooyoung and Nichkhun.

Wow. I really, truly hope you do some kind of one-shot just to see them meet again (but then again, I'm a greedy reader). <3


primroseshows June 23 2010, 20:41:51 UTC
Thanks so much!! I do have some ideas for a sequel for this... although it's more of a prequel/sequel mix because there is a lot of Khun and Jay's history that was hinted at in this fic but weren't elaborated on. Maybe one day! Thank you for the encouragement. :)


peachmacaroons June 24 2010, 16:20:45 UTC
I will bake you cupcakes and send them to you if you write more. Hell, I'd settle for any Khunyoung, I'm what people would call desperate. :D


howla June 23 2010, 17:59:46 UTC
omfg, im at work i saw this when i decided to briefly check my lj before getting back to doing my job and I saw your fic out under my favorite authors update group and i was like "hmmm, i'll just check this out ( ... )


primroseshows June 23 2010, 21:04:22 UTC
LMAO I seem to be getting a lot of comments where people are reading this fic at work. Okay well I'm still going to take it as a good thing, haha ( ... )


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