Title: DeathNote Vs Yuri on Ice
Fandom/Pairing: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS, Kim Taehyung | V/Park Jimin
Rating: General Audiences
Wordcount: 2865
Work remixed:
i still think that we were meant to be by
chanyeolandaSummary: Jimin’s out celebrating his 21st birthday with a drink, because it’s definitely not old news yet. A day still doesn’t pass that he doesn’t get a new echo bruise, which annoys him, but now there’s some guy in the bar who’s trying to claim Yuri on Ice is a better anime than DeathNote is, which really ticks him off. Jimin is never violent but he’s at the end of his patience. So when the dude accidentally hits him in the face, he throws a punch back and he’s surprised at how much it hurts…and it’s not his wrist that hurts. It’s his stomach in the exact spot he just punched the asshole in front of him at. Dammit.
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