#1 System failure: Proceed to launch?

Sep 05, 2018 20:14

Title: System failure: Proceed to launch?
Fandom/Pairing: Day6, Sungjin-centric
Rating: G
Wordcount: 5063
Work remixed: closed system by yoonbot
Summary: Not everyone gets into Starfleet Academy, and even fewer start flying up the ranks of Starfleet Command after they graduate. But Sungjin? Well, he’s on a one-way track to captaining his own ship. He only has one thing standing in his way: a years-old grudge regarding a certain Starfleet officer named Jae. It’s a big, weird universe out there, and Sungjin just isn’t interested in being told what to do by a guy who posted a vlog about his visit to Vulcan called, “I’m not Vulcan around here!”

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# 2018, fandom: day6, rating: g

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