Title: corvus (The Kids Are All Wrong Remix)
Fandom: Bangtan
Pairing(s)/Focus: Taehyung/Jungkook, Taehyung/Jungkook/Jimin
Rating: Mature
Wordcount: 5527
Work remixed:
The Fastest Man In The World by
kalopsiaSummary: Taehyung wants three things: Jungkook, Jimin, and the total destruction of all humankind. Not necessarily in that order.
Notes/Warnings: WARNINGS for very very very dubious consent connected to mind control, very unhealthy relationships, and superhero violence. Thanks to kalopsia for an amazing source fic, it was so much fun to write in this universe!! Please go read her original if you haven’t, it’s fantastic. Also much less dark than this fic, oh my god I’m sorry.
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