2014: Rules and Information

Jun 16, 2014 18:25

→ What is a remix?

Have you ever read a story and thought, "If I had written this, I would have..."? A remix is your chance to take a story and tweak it, change things, introduce other elements, shove everything into an alternate universe, tell the other side of the story- the list goes on. Think of it as doing a cover of a song. Add your own twist to make it yours. The possibilities are endless. Still confused? Take a look at these posts (and the comments), or any of the articles here.

→ What has to stay the same?

There are two things that you are required to keep the same: basic plotline and pairing. Changing the basic plot of a story changes the story itself, though what specific plot points actually make up the necessary core of the story is entirely subjective. While the pairings themselves can't be changed, you're more than welcome to change the focus of the story to someone who's in the background of the original, or make it gen.

→ What story can I remix?

After signups, you'll be assigned a writer whose works you choose from to remix, and you can choose any fics of theirs except for their safe story (if they have one) and any unfinished fics. Assignments will be based on a minimum of one fandom only. Let me repeat that. One fandom is the only thing you are guaranteed to have in common with your remixee. Be aware of this before you sign up. This means that if you only write one specific pairing for a fandom, this might not be the thing for you. We're not trying to discourage people, but keep in mind that you may be assigned someone who only writes a pairing or character you don't write. That's not necessarily a bad thing; ficmix is a great chance to expand your horizons and write something you may never have thought about writing before! (This means that if you do list pairings when you sign up, we won't be taking it into consideration -- we will be assigning people based on fandom only.)

→ How do I qualify?

To qualify as a remix participant, you have to have written a total of either 3 fics of 500 words or more or 5 fics of 100 words or more that are publicly available in any kpop fandoms. The count does not include an optional safe story, unfinished fics, or crossovers. This can be confusing, so have some examples:
    Yes - 2 Big Bang longfics, 2 Super Junior drabbles, 2 2PM drabbles, no safe story
    Yes - 6 SNSD drabbles, including one safe story
    No - 3 f(x) drabbles, 2 SHINee drabbles, including one safe story
    No - 2 TVXQ longfics (one of which is a remix), 3 TVXQ drabbles, no safe story

If you're not sure whether or not you qualify, feel free to PM one of the mods before signing up. Please note that any fic locked to a community or journal does not count towards your eligibility requirements, but if your remixer has access to those works they may be chosen to be remixed. We will be checking eligibility to make sure you have the required amount of fic before we make assignments.

→ Can I write for a fandom that's not the one I signed up for?

While you're guaranteed to have at least one fandom in common with your remixee, you're welcome to remix any of their kpop fics for any artist, with the exception of their designated safe story, any unfinished fics, and previous remixes written.

→ Are there any other requirements/rules?

Finished remixes must be at least 1,000 words long, regardless of the length of the original work. Keep your remixee a secret and do not post your remix anywhere until after the reveals are done - this includes on anonymous memes. All fics will be initially posted anonymously with time given for people to read them all. After the reveal, you are welcome to post your work wherever you like. Including a link back here would be fantastic. :)

→ What are the deadlines?

This is an exchange, not a fest or challenge, and therefore requires that every participant turn their assignments in on time. Deadlines for this remix will be enforced. Extensions can be negotiated but are not assured.
    Sign ups close: July 9
    Assignments sent out: July 13
    Check In: August 3
    Drop out date: August 20
    Fic due in: August 31
The schedule for posting entries and the reveal date will depend on how many signups we get. Once signups are closed, we'll give everyone more exact information.

→ What if I don't make the deadline?

Please only drop out if you absolutely must do so. If you drop out without any notice or past the notification deadline, you will not be eligible to enter next year.

→ What if I think I'm not going to make the deadline?

PM or email us as soon as possible. If there is the slightest doubt that you might not make it, then let us know ASAP so we can discuss options with you, including finding a pinch hitter. If you notify us by the deadline, you will still be allowed to participate in future rounds.

→ What about pinch hitting?

Pinch hitters are the kind and generous souls who step up to fill in for participants who drop out, oftentimes writing at the very last minute. When you sign up, you will have the option of signing up as a pinch hitter as well, and you'll be added to the list once you have turned your own remix in. You may also sign up to participate solely as a pinch hitter (ie. you may be asked to write a remix if needed but you won't have anyone remixing any of your works).

→ What do you mean by 'check in'?

For the check in, we require all participants to email us (at k.ficmix@gmail.com) a short 100 word summary of your remix. It doesn't have to be a draft of your work (though it can be) -- it can just be a summary of your plot, just so we know that you've at least thought about your remix and that you're on track. It's fine if you don't end up following that summary exactly with your finished fic -- it's just for us to know that you're still participating and writing.

→ Other Miscellany

Mods aren't responsible for what's done to your story , for better or worse. Please acknowledge your remixer once stories go up with a short (or long!) comment because they took time and effort to remix one of your fics, and you'd know exactly how hard and how much hard work and effort is required for that! For updates, please watch this community.

→ Where do I sign up?

More details on sign-ups can be found here. All signups should be done using this form. Please read the form carefully.

→ How do I submit my finished story?

Detailed instructions will be sent with your assignment email, so make sure to keep it and check it. A separate post about submissions will also be made closer to the deadline.

→ I have a question.

Ask here (comments are not screened), email k.ficmix@gmail.com.

→ Acknowledgements

Thank you so much to the previous mods for running the previous years, making it awesome, and letting me use your rules and guidelines ♥ Also to musesfool for letting us borrow and tweak her rules from the original remix and everyone else at remix_redux who made it amazing.

! admin, # 2014

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