#47 [SHINEE, Minho/Jonghyun]

Sep 19, 2013 06:06

Fandom: SHINee
Title: Kibum and the Jets: A Play in one Act
Rating: PG-13 (swearing)
Pairing: Minho/Jonghyun
Length: 2,658 words
Summary: It's a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll.
Notes: It's a play! Stage directions are in italics.

Remixee author: static_abyss
Title of work you remixed: Art in the Making
Link to work you remixed: http://drownwith-me.livejournal.com/38938.html

A play in one act.


JONGHYUN, a rebellious and passionate youngster who wants to be a rock star.
MINHO, a straight laced middle class kid. Best friends with Jonghyun.
KIBUM, a hipster.
TAEMIN, a kid who plays keyboard.

The set for this play is minimalistic with only a block that can be used as a stage in the centre.

* * *


Enter MINHO. MINHO is wearing white sand shoes and black pants, a shirt and jacket but no tie. He walks slowly, enjoying the surroundings. After a moment he takes out his phone and uses the self cam to check his hair. He brushes it to one side and smiles in satisfaction.

JONGHYUN: (Off stage) Hey Minho!

MINHO looks around and notices the source of the sound. He does not respond, but continues to comb his hair.

JONGHYUN: (Off stage) Hey fucker!

MINHO puts the phone away and rolls his eyes. JONGHYUN enters from the side and climbs up onto the stage block. He swings his legs and looks happy.

JONGHYUN: Hey you, yeah you - tall guy!

MINHO: (Affectionately) What the fuck do you want?

JONGHYUN: (Laughs) I have big news. You're gonna love this. Just you wait until you hear this.


MINHO: Well, what? Don't tell me you've signed us up to another one of your hippy-save-the-world clubs.

JONGHYUN: So what if I have?

MINHO: My dad will kill me. Thanks to you he thinks I'm a communist. You really need to ask people before you put their names down on the list for radical organisations.

JONGHYUN: It's not communist, it's anti-establishment! You should have told him that.

MINHO: Jonghyun, my father is very pro-establishment. In fact, my whole family is pro-establishment. In fact, I reckon I'm pretty pro-establishment...

JONGHYUN: Well it's not that anyway. (He jumps down and comes to the front of the stage). It's much, much more exciting. I was just talking to the guy who lives next to us. His name's Kibum.

MINHO: And...?

JONGHYUN: He says we should start a band.


MINHO: And...?

JONGHYUN: We're gonna start a band. Me, you, Kibum and some other kids.

MINHO: So you signed me up without asking?

JONGHYUN: I just assumed you would want to. I mean, you pretty much follow me in everything right?

MINHO: What the hell.

JONGHYUN: So I'll tell Kibum you bailed?


MINHO: Okay, consider me in.


MINHO: So what's this band supposed to be about? Is it a rock band?

JONGHYUN: I think so. Kibum didn't really say, but I think it's a rock band. Punk rock? Either way, he says it's all gotta be about the anger! Great art is fueled by anger. Kibum gets this.

MINHO: What are you angry about?

JONGHYUN: What's not to be angry about! Capitalism, the patriarchy... don't you ever get angry?

MINHO: I could give a shit about the patriarchy.

JONGHYUN: Society is repressing us, Minho. You don't get it 'cause you're not paying attention. Everyday in our lives society is pressing us into little boxes, telling us who we should be. Most people don't even notice, they just go along with their empty, materialistic cardboard existence because they don't know any other life. But that's not for us. We gotta break out!

MINHO: Nothing will change until enough people get angry.

JONGHYUN: (Getting worked up) Exactly! Now you understand me.

MINHO: Yeah, but I don't care.

JONGHYUN: (Getting upset) That's because you're a douche bag Minho. You're as shallow as a puddle and you'll never care about anything.


MINHO: I'm going to grab a coffee. See you in class.

MINHO exits and JONGHYUN watches him go. He stands silently for a moment and then also leaves. Fade to black


KIBUM is on stage, setting up a microphone. Behind him TAEMIN is sitting behind a keyboard. He has long hair that covers his face. JONGHYUN and MINHO enter from the side. KIBUM immediately beckons for JONGHYUN to come over and they speak inaudibly.

MINHO crosses his arms and looks bored.

MINHO: (Clears throat).

KIBUM: (Looking around) Oh... you're here. What's it you do again?

MINHO: I'm Minho, Jonghyun's friend.

KIBUM: Yeah, but like... what do you do?


KIBUM: Like, what instrument do you play?


JONGHYUN: (Cheerfully) Minho can be be the face!

KIBUM: I thought I was the face.

JONGHYUN: You're the… lead.

MINHO: (Sarcastically) How about I be the back-up face?

KIBUM hands MINHO a tambourine.

KIBUM: Take this. Don't worry, I'll tell you when to hit it.

MINHO takes the tambourine sourly.

MINHO: So wait a minute, what is it you do?

KIBUM: Me? I'm the lead.

MINHO: The lead what?

KIBUM: The lead... everything. Don't roll your eyes at me. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't even be here. I was the one who made the deal with the bartender. If it wasn't for me, they probably wouldn't have even let you in.

MINHO: So what's the band called?

KIBUM: Haven't decided the final name yet, but I'm leaning towards something like... "Kibum and the Jets."

MINHO: Sounds crap.

JONGHYUN: Sounds great.

KIBUM: (Dismissively) We'll decide on something official later. For now we better get our sound check done. Everybody to their instruments... if you have them.

JONGHYUN picks up a guitar. MINHO holds his tambourine in anticipation. KIBUM holds the microphone. TAEMIN just sits. They begin to play and KIBUM motions for MINHO to bang the tambourine every so often.

KIBUM: (Singing) It's my party and I'll cry if I want to, cry if I want to! You would cry too if it happened tooooo yoooooou!

They stop playing.

KIBUM: Good work guys. The show starts at 9, so everyone better be back here at quarter to.

KIBUM and TAEMIN exit. JONGHYUN fiddles with the guitar and MINHO waits for him.

MINHO: Something up?

JONGHYUN: What? Eh, no. I'm good.

MINHO: You seem nervous.

JONGHYUN: Me? No way. I'm excited.


JONGHYUN: Okay, yeah, I'm a little nervous.

MINHO: But why though? Tonight's no big deal. It's a tiny gig in a dingy bar filled with underage drinkers, who cares what happens?


MINHO: That came out wrong.

JONGHYUN: No, you're right. It's no big deal. But what if I... I mean, what if I choke up? It's my first time on stage.

MINHO: You'll be fine. It's all about the anger, remember?

MINHO walks up and puts a hand on JONGHYUN's shoulder.

JONGHYUN: What are you doing?

MINHO: Using you as an armrest. What does it look like?

JONGHYUN: (Affectionately) Fuck you.

Fade to black.


Lights come on. KIBUM staggers into the centre, holding a cup high in the air. JONGHYUN and MINHO follow closely behind.

KIBUM: We aced that gentlemen.

JONGHYUN: (Jumping with excitement) They loved us! They wouldn't stop screaming. I never imagined they could get so rowdy. I want to do it again already. Minho, you were great too. Those backing vocals were amazing.

MINHO: (Dazed) That was pretty fun...

KIBUM: We're gonna be famous... we're gonna be rich, rich I say!

JONGHYUN: We're gonna change the world!

MINHO and JONGHYUN start to dance around with linked arms, then KIBUM becomes serious.

KIBUM: Wait a minute.

JONGHYUN: What is it?

KIBUM: You upstaged me.


KIBUM: I was meant to be the main singer, but you took over.


JONGHYUN: I, uh, didn't mean to. I was just going with the flow.

MINHO: He was better than you anyway.

KIBUM: Shut up, pretty boy. You don't know anything about the music business anyway. I don't want a couple of nobodies to come and steal the spotlight in my own band. You guys are douches!

JONGHYUN: Hey, you invited us here. We're just trying to be good.

KIBUM: Yeah, well I've had enough of your antics, Jonghyun. I'm quitting.


MINHO: Um, okay then.

KIBUM: Good luck on your own, you bastards! It's not gonna be the same "Kibum and the Jets" without Kibum, is it?

MINHO: We'll think of a new name for the band.

TAEMIN enters awkwardly.

TAEMIN: Sorry to interrupt... but my mum is waiting outside to take me home. She'll be mad if I leave her waiting. She has to get home before her drama starts. Kibum, are you coming?

KIBUM sighs dramatically and puts his cup down. He follows TAEMIN out.

KIBUM: See you in hell, losers! (He exits.)

MINHO: What a wanker.

(Pause. They look down.)

JONGHYUN: Do you really think we can do it?

MINHO: Do what?

JONGHYUN: Keep the band going? I mean, Kibum, is - or was - the brains behind the whole thing. Can we really make, do you think?

MINHO: Are you serious? They were going crazy for you, not him. They were hanging on every note! You've got talent man. And as for brains... well, I have a brain. We'll work out something. If you really wanna know what I think... Kibum was holding us back. He's too superficial, cares only about the image. But you've got passion, you actually care about this band.

JONGHYUN: What about you? Do you care?

MINHO: Me? You know I don't care about anything.

JONGHYUN: (Quietly) But... you'll keep the band going with me?

MINHO: Of course! That was the most fun I've had in ages! (He lifts up a cup.) They even gave us free drinks!

JONGHYUN hugs MINHO tightly.

JONGHYUN: Minho, you're the best.

Fade to black.


Lights come up on JONGHYUN sitting on the floor, surrounded by sheets of paper and a guitar. He is furiously writing on the paper. Once he writes something, he looks at it, then scrunches it up and throws it across the floor. MINHO enters, hands in pockets. They both have longer hair now, to demonstrate that time has passed since we last saw them.

MINHO: Are you okay, man?

JONGHYUN: (Angrily) Shush, I'm concentrating. I just had the song in my head and then I lost it.

MINHO: Jonghyun... you've been up all night. Don't you think you better get some sleep?

JONGHYUN: (Throws papers into the air) I can sleep when I'm dead.

MINHO: I guess all that stuff they said about writers in school was true. All the famous writers we learned about... they all ended up dead.

JONGHYUN: Minho... everyone ends up dead.


MINHO: I guess you have a point.

JONGHYUN: So did you get up just to tell me I should go to bed?

MINHO: Nah, I was on my way to the fridge. But yeah, you should go to bed.


JONGHYUN: I need a new song for Saturday.

MINHO: Just sing an old song.

JONGHYUN: I can't just sing any old song! How do you think we'll ever get anywhere when we don't have new songs?

MINHO: Look. I'm just saying you should probably get some sleep.

JONGHYUN: (Angry) You should get some sleep and stop fucking annoying me!

MINHO: (Angrier) I don't even know why I put up with you. Sometimes I swear it feels like I'm the older one of us, looking after you like your damned mother!

JONGHYUN scrunches up a piece of paper and throws it at MINHO. MINHO leaves. Fade to black.


JONGHYUN appears to be doing up his shirt as he watches himself in a wall mirror. MINHO is watching him impatiently.

MINHO: You take too long.

JONGHYUN: You don't take long enough.

MINHO: Hey, it's not like it matters what your shirt looks like. You know you're gonna lose it at some point anyway.

JONGHYUN: You know it matters. It all fucking matters! Just because you couldn't give a shit...

(Pause. MINHO looks cold.)

JONGHYUN: Well... I'm done now.

JONGHYUN picks up his guitar and they walk together to the middle of the stage. JONGHYUN plucks the guitar and looks around.

JONGHYUN: This place is shit by the way.

MINHO: It's the best we could do.


JONGHYUN: Should've taken the other offer.

MINHO: Could you stop complaining already? We're lucky to have any sort of gig. We're lucky to have food to eat for crying out loud.

Some people enter the venue. KIBUM is among them. He is wearing a flashy suit.

KIBUM: Hey look who it is. I haven't seen you guys in a while.

MINHO: Yeah... long time no see.

KIBUM: Still have the old band going then? You guys have done pretty well I hear. Well... you still get gigs.

MINHO: And what are you up to these days?

KIBUM: (Strokes lapel) I work for an investment bank now.

JONGHYUN: (Outburst) What the hell? I thought you said you hated capitalism and that bankers could all go to hell! You've changed, man...

KIBUM: Jonghyun... of course I've changed. I said all that stuff in college and that was years ago. We all say stuff like that in college, like how we want to change the world and we're too cool for the man and all that. But then real life starts. Mortgages, superannuation. You can't keep living in that dream world forever...

JONGHYUN: Fuck that Kibum. I'm gonna stay real forever.

KIBUM: Yeah, well, I gotta meet someone right now. Maybe I'll see your show later.

KIBUM exits. MINHO and JONGHYUN are silent for a moment as JONGHYUN fiddles with the guitar.

MINHO: That could be me you know.


MINHO: I could be working in a real job. Nice office, big salary, fancy car.

JONGHYUN: Then why the hell don't you go!

MINHO: And leave you on your own? You couldn't survive without me. Which one of us is getting up at the crack of dawn every day to sign contracts and talk us into a gig? I don't see you having to deal with assholes who don't know anything about music and only care about making a buck. I've been here the whole time Jonghyun, every step. Do you really think you would be okay if I just walked out?

JONGHYUN puts the guitar down and steps up to MINHO, shoving him in the shoulder.

JONGHYUN: Fuck you! I could do fucking great on my own!

MINHO turns to leave, and JONGHYUN grabs his arm.

JONGHYUN: I didn't mean it.

MINHO: Yeah, sure you didn't.

JONGHYUN: Minho...

MINHO: Are you gonna get down on your knees?

JONGHYUN: I just don't understand why. You're probably right, you could be doing better, so why the hell are you still here? You don't even care about the music, you don't care about the message. Fuck, Minho, you don't care about anything.


MINHO: You really think that?

JONGHYUN: You always say you don't care.

MINHO: Jonghyun... there is no one who cares about you more than I do.

JONGHYUN: You care about me?

MINHO: Yeah, 'course I do.

JONGHYUN: You love me.

MINHO: You better save that for the song lyrics.

JONGHYUN: Oh crap, that reminds me, we have to be on stage!

JONGHYUN picks up his guitar and they exit.


MINHO and JONGHYUN stagger through a crowd to make it to the centre of the stage. JONGHYUN has lost his shirt. MINHO holds up a fistful of money.

JONGHYUN: How much?

MINHO: Enough. It gets better. I got a whole bunch of numbers from people who want us to play at their clubs. We're moving up, Jonghyun! And at the very least we have a gig for next week.

JONGHYUN and MINHO sit down, happily collapsed against each other.

MINHO: What a night. You know what? I wouldn't give this for all the money in the world.

JONGHYUN: You sure? You could still leave if you wanted to... become an investment banker like Kibum...

MINHO: (Sighs with contentment) Are you kidding? This is the best. That feeling of being on stage, your heart expanding until it almost hurts. The roar of the crowd. The passion, your voice... I fucking love it!


MINHO: Besides... Kibum's a wanker.

Fade to black.


# 2013 summer, fandom: shinee, rating: pg-13

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