#36. EXO [Suho/Kai]

Oct 21, 2012 22:21

Fandom: EXO
Title: If Life is But a Dream
Rating: R/NC-17
Pairing(s)/Focus: Suho/Kai
Length: ~3200w
Summary: When Jongin opens his eyes, the room is way too bright despite the fact that it's dark and the light's not on-but Jongin's still seeing white. Joonmyeon's face clears up in a moment and his expression is frightened and sad and scared.
Warnings: ...uh handjobs? ;; dubcon.
Notes: Hello honey :) I hope you don't mind me ~expanding~ on your drabble lol. Thank you to my two favorite people for beta'ing this <3 And I hope you enjoy, despite the horrible summary that is actually just a line from this~ ^^

Remixee author: 921227
Title of work you remixed: let your dreams carry you.
Link to work you remixed: http://think-december.livejournal.com/3748.html

The bubble tea is gone in a matter of minutes as he sucks the tapioca pearls up through the large straw. Sehun smiles widely as he chews, and savors the melon flavor as much as he can before it's gone. Then, he leans his chair back and plants his long legs on the coffee table because Kyungsoo's not there to scold him yet.

Jongin looks up from beneath his eyelashes, then back down to the paper in front of him. Half the problems are done; the math problems are easy-so easy, and Jongin wonders how Sehun can only be in this level of math. Jongin doesn't say anything though, he doesn't say anything about how easy this shit is, and that Sehun might possibly be considered dumb to Jongin for not being able to fix these problems. Then, he realizes that Sehun thinks that he's dumb-just a little bit, or at least not book-smart, because Sehun's smirking as if he's superior to Jongin, as if Jongin's slow and good at only dancing. Jongin almost can't stand it-but he bears with it.

He wants his alone time with Joonmyeon, after all.

"Jongin, shouldn't you be resting already?"

Joonmyeon sits awkwardly by the arm of the couch. He tilts his head to the right a little, a smile gracing his face, because Jongin's curled into himself, almost into a little ball at the other end of the couch. Jongin looks up, like he had been expecting Joonmyeon to say something. He inches to sit next to Jongin, to nuzzle up to him, but Joonmyeon stands his ground and continues to stare.

"I was waiting for you, hyung," Jongin mumbles quietly, like he's a little embarrassed, and Joonmyeon flushes a little. He stands up promptly, shutting the notebook the manager had handed to him a couple of hours ago, and gestures for Jongin to get to bed.

"Well, let’s go. We have a full schedule tomorrow and you need sleep."

Joonmyeon shuffles to his room without looking back to see if Jongin's gone; he expects Jongin to do as he says because as much as Jongin's independent, he knows that he'll follow directions (though not particularly when it comes to his health, Joonmyeon thinks, chagrin coming out). As Joonmyeon reaches his and Sehun's room, he pays no attention to the other bed and focuses on preparing his own. He can spot the little specks of dirt on the cloth...and that one particular spot where he had been dreaming, so heavenly, of little Jongin; and he flushes even more this time. Stupid Joonmyeon being too busy to change the sheets, he scolds himself. He should get to it before Kyungsoo does and tells the wrong people (Baekhyun) about it.

And then there's a light cough, and Joonmyeon turns around. His breath catches in his throat as he eyes Jongin standing a few feet away against the bar of his bunk. He lets his eyes linger on Jongin's face before asking, "Jongin ah, what are you doing?"

Jongin doesn't say anything. He just climbs into Joonmyeon's bed, shifting past him. He presses himself against the wall, pulling Joonmyeon’s blanket around him. Joonmyeon blinks and his eyebrows furrow. Jongin looks small, so very tiny in his bed, and it’s a little bit too cute for this time of the evening.

"That's my bed." He's aware that he's pointing out the obvious but that doesn't stop the sentence from coming out of his mouth.

"I just want to sleep with hyung tonight. If that's okay?"

Joonmyeon sighs and he lets him, because Jongin rarely ever actually calls him ‘hyung’-not in that soft, small voice of his that seems desperate and sweet at the same time. Not in that voice that Joonmyeon loves to hear above every other one. Joonmyeon looks over the situation for a moment, and then nods to answer. He slips into the bed next to Jongin and pushes the blanket up so that that it’s bundled to their necks; it’s cold that night, and Joonmyeon can feel Jongin’s cool skin against his own. Jongin starts to wiggle and Joonmyeon chuckles, shifting back so that his back is almost pressed against Jongin. He can feel Jongin's smile, his grin, and he closes his eyes to the feeling.

Joonmyeon looks towards the other bed; Sehun’s not there. "Next time, you don’t have to bribe Sehun. Just come in, okay?"

Jongin doesn’t say anything, just wriggles a little closer.

Joonmyeon wakes up to a mouthful of hair. He's sweating a little on his forehead and he realizes that the hair-Jongin's hair-has kept his face warm throughout the night. And Jongin's skin is hot. Joonmyeon frowns into the hair and breaks apart from the cuddle-Joonmyeon can't describe the situation any other way, and cuddles are very Jongin-and wraps an arm around his frame. Jongin shifts into him, and Joonmyeon feels something hard against his thigh.

He realizes that it's Jongin's cock belatedly, and then Joonmyeon flushes when Jongin pushes into him even further.

"Um. Jong-"

Jongin moans, breathy and soft, and Joonmyeon stops breathing because fuck. "Jongin ah, wake up," he mutters softly, nervously, and not nearly loud enough to wake the younger boy up. Joonmyeon is about to say it again, louder this time until Jongin whispers, "Joonnmyeon hyung."

Joonmyeon gulps, "Jongin, you have to-"

"Joonmyeon hyung."

Joonmyeon almost can't believe it, but Jongin mumbles his name again. He starts to hyperventilate a little, heart starting to race, and he's unsure of what to do-what to say if (when) Jongin wakes up.

And then, Jongin ruts into him, harsh and fast, and only once, but Joonmyeon's already half-hard and flushed a light shade of pink. He pauses a moment, and allows all of this to add up, and then he lets go of any doubt still fiddling around in his mind and pushes Jongin away a little, far enough away so that he can move, and shoves the comforter off Jongin and off the bed. It lands in a heap, and Joonmyeon sighs in satisfaction when he finally eyes Jongin's body, still asleep but positioned in a way that makes him look like he wants everything in the world-that he wants Joonmyeon because he's curled into his side.

The crotch of Jongin's pajama pants is damp, as expected when Joonmyeon presses a finger to where he assumes Jongin's cock is. Jongin shifts at the touch and Joonmyeon smiles. He starts to rub at the wet spot until Jongin's head is leaking, the cloth getting damper and damper as each second passes.

Jongin gasps during the process, little huffs of breaths. It's not cold so he can't see the little puffs of air surely to be seen if the air were cooler. Joonmyeon doesn't mind though, because sweat is all the better in this case, and Jongin's getting damp all over. The combination of the puffs of breaths and the sweat glistening on Jongin's forehead turns him on a little more, and soon Joonmyeon is fully hard. It’s a little sick how badly he’d like to kiss those beads of sweat off Jongin’s skin; so instead, he quickens the movement of his thumb against Jongin’s crotch.

He's unsure if he should wake Jongin up by this point, but the boy is still asleep, and painfully hard. Joonmyeon wraps his entire hand around Jongin's dick through the pajama pants and chuckles at Jongin's soft moan of "Joonm-myeon hyung…" He may be going too far at this point. This could be considered as molesting your dongsaeng after all… but Jongin doesn’t seem to mind, more like encouraging him, so humming in thought, Joonmyeon decides to push Jongin's pants down. He does so, one hand still on Jongin's dick, his other hand slipping the pants down to his thighs.

Jongin's not wearing any boxers, so his cock is there, just there, and Joonmyeon's hand lands on his skin, wrapping around his blushing shaft. Jongin bucks into him immediately, so Joonmyeon starts to pump his hand up and down.

Jongin gets louder, gasps coming out sharp and breathy along with his name, drawled out a few extra seconds. Jongin surprisingly lasts for a long time and Joonmyeon pumps steadily right until the end, eyes on Jongin’s seemingly sleepy face.

When Jongin comes, his eyes slip open, and Joonmyeon gasps himself. Jongin drags out Joonmyeon's name, and then his eyes are fluttering open and closed, confused. He is awake. Joonmyeon’s got his hand around his exposed-

"J-Joonmyeon hyung, I-" and he looks so helpless Joonmyeon immediately feels like a crazy person.

He bites his lips before interrupting, "No, Jongin. I-Shouldn't have. I'm sorry, I was just... trying to help." He sits back away from Jongin and looks at his hands, still slick with Jongin’s come and sweat.

"Hyung-" Jongin moves his body, and stops. Joonmyeon freezes once he realizes what Jongin's felt right against his thigh-hard and definitely not an accident.

"You're..." Jongin falters. "You-"

Joonmyeon wants to hide, so he does, and grabs the comforter from the floor, shoving it over his head. He whimpers a little as thoughts race through his head: I've ruined everything. Shit, I shouldn't have done that, it could've gone away. I'm like a fucking pedophile or something, fucking turned on by this, and he's got to be disgusted. He hates me; I hate me. I'm so disgusting.

When Jongin wakes up, it's to Joonmyeon-Joonmyeon pumping his dick, and he gets even more impossibly turned on because this is not real, it couldn't be. But then Jongin comes and it's to the sound of Joonmyeon mumbling his name quietly, softly, caringly, and he can't take it anymore. And when Jongin opens his eyes, the room is way too bright despite the fact that it's dark and the light's not on-but Jongin's still seeing white. Joonmyeon's face clears up in a moment and his expression is frightened and sad and scared. The look is unusual on him, because even though he's known for being a lot more insecure about his position as a leader in the band than M's Wu Fan, Joonmyeon does not do scared. Not in front of his dongsaengs.

Joonmyeon harshly pulls the comforter over his head before Jongin can say anything of worth, before Jongin can mention how glad he is that Joonmyeon's real, and here, and this isn't a dream.

Jongin does nothing for a few moments. He just stares at Joonmyeon (or at least, the heap of comforter that should be where Joonmyeon is). The comforter's plain white and simple, but it's soft and comfortable. He compares it to his own, the overly bright red and green comforter of his (because it reminds him of Christmas, family, good times, and all the things he's never had for himself). The comforter's design-or lack of design-suits Joonmyeon greatly.

Then, when he's done with the staring, he puts a hand on the comforter where he assumes Joonmyeon's head is. He rubs accordingly, feeling a little silly that he's rubbing his hyung's head as if he's just a kid, when he had just-Jongin blushes and stops thinking.

"Hyung. Joonmyeon hyung," Jongin's voice is rough and coarse, still a little bit raspy from his ‘sleep’. He bites his lip when Joonmyeon doesn't respond, just shudders as shifts away from his hand. Jongin swears he can hear very quiet mutters coming from underneath the blanket.

He lets his fingers rest at the corner of the comforter for a moment before peeling it off Joonmyeon; the older man doesn't make a sound, he simply tucks himself in deeper. When the comforter is finally off, Jongin rests his hands on Joonmyeon's shoulders.

"Joonmyeon hyung," he says again, and repeats over and over until Joonmyeon looks up. He looks lost, like a little kid, and Jongin chuckles because it should be the opposite.

Joonmyeon opens his mouth, and no sound comes out. Then he does it again.

"I'm disgusting." It’s the most miserable tone Jongin’s heard on him.

And then, like an afterthought, Joonmyeon looks down and says, "I'm sorry."

"And what are you sorry for? Why are you so disgusting?" Jongin asks in return after a small silence. His throat seems to be filled with a thumping, pulsating ball of fire.

Joonmyeon tips his head to the right, confused, and his hair falls to the side. "For...doing that, to you. I shouldn't have. I couldn't-help myself," he falters.

Jongin's hands move without Joonmyeon knowing. They slide against the cloth of the bed covering, over the rumpled comforter still atop of Joonmyeon, and pause before setting on Joonmyeon's thighs. Joonmyeon jumps a little at the touch and frowns.

"Hm," Jongin rumbles, hands now gripping his hyung's thighs tightly. "I can't help myself either." Joonmyeon's only wearing a pair of boxers, so he rubs at them, feeling the tight muscles beneath the cloth. Joonmyeon's eyes are wide, but he's not making any movements to stop him.

Jongin takes this a sign as to keep going, so he does, and moves his hands from Joonmyeon's thighs to his hips. Jongin climbs over Joonmyeon, legs spread out and between one of his thighs, hands still on his hips. Jongin smiles, teeth bright and it comes out a little sloppy, but it doesn't matter because it affects Joonmyeon anyway by the tell-tale of his pupils dilating.

Jongin moves in to kiss him but he's taken too long and Joonmyeon's thinking again-he twists his head so that Jongin's full lips touch his cheek. Jongin grins cheekily (sleep slipping away further and further, and he's fully awake now) and takes what he can get. He smooches Joonmyeon's cheek, ‘mwah’.

Joonmyeon's cheeks turn red. Jongin reaches out.

"What are you doing?" Joonmyeon asks warily, so cautiously that it's almost a borderline whisper. Jongin has to strain his ears to hear him even though he's now sitting on his thighs, basically in Joonmyeon's lap.

"Just-" Jongin sighs and Joonmyeon's eyes trail their way down to Jongin's lips. He wonders if Jongin's lips could get any plumper, if they could get even more swollen and thick and beautiful. And Jongin, familiar with the look, puckers his lips a little, because Joonmyeon's not the only one that's looked at his lips-at him-that way. He is, however, the only one Jongin will reciprocate for. But he doesn't know how to relay this.

"Do we-Do we have to talk?" Jongin lets slip of his words, the question coming out completely unguarded.

Joonmyeon shakes his head after a moment's hesitation, and his bangs fall into his eyes. They're wet from the sweat gathered from Joonmyeon's forehead, and Jongin brushes them away so that they're not in his eyes anymore. It is then that he realizes how fucking effective that cliché is, the brushing of the bangs from the forehead, because he makes complete eye contact with Joonmyeon. That makes his stomach flutter by itself.

Joonmyeon seems to feel something too because he looks down to his lap-or, to Jongin's legs; they've wrapped themselves around Joonmyeon's waist, straddling him. His thighs are pale compared to the rest of him (because Jongin, Kai, for the life of him cannot figure out how to tan them without wearing short-shorts in public). But they're strong and chiseled, fuel from the hearty food Kyungsoo makes him paired up with dancing, making them sturdy. Jongin tightens them around Joonmyeon and the older boy makes a little sound.

Realizing that this is it-the opening he's been waiting for, he wraps an arm around Joonmyeon's shoulder, his other arm around Joonmyeon's waist. Jongin clears his throat to get Joonmyeon's attention. It works effectively, Jongin thinks, because Joonmyeon must think that he's about to speak, but he's not.

Apparently, Joonmyeon gets the hint, much before Jongin does. He leans forward just as Jongin does, and kisses him first. It's all tongue and teeth, hard and fast, but just as passionate as the previous. Jongin doesn't kiss back, shock rearing in hard, and decides that he likes the kiss much too late in, so when he does start to kiss back, he's kissing the air.

Joonmyeon backs away carefully then, and he looks up at Jongin. His eyes question Jongin without a word.

"Softer," Jongin whispers, like it's a secret promise. "Like this," he continues, and he shows Joonmyeon, pushing his way to his lips.

It begins with just a simple touch, their lips meeting, and no movement. Jongin presses his lips a little more, until they're fully against Joonmyeon's, and it's a small, closed mouthed kiss. Jongin kisses him like that a couple of times, and when Joonmyeon gets it (or, at least Jongin hopes he gets it, that Jongin wants him and nobody else), he kisses back, and they just kiss each other for a few minutes, still a little unsure.

Jongin stills as Joonmyeon's hand wraps around his neck, the touch soft and muted, as if it's by instinct. The thought makes Jongin happy, so happy, so he smiles with his teeth even though they're still kissing. Joonmyeon ends up kissing his teeth for a second before returning the smile, even though he has no idea why. His tongue slips out from his own accord, and they're slipping through Jongin's teeth, and the kiss deepens, almost accidentally.

The room gets hotter as they continue to kiss, and Jongin's content enough to stay in bed all day, just with Joonmyeon, doing this and other various things (like taking care of Joonmyeon), but he realizes that there's not enough hours in the day for Jongin to be completely happy.

He'll settle for the next hour though, but even for that he needs to get to work.

Without much warning, he starts to tug Joonmyeon's boxers down. Joonmyeon jumps a little at the contact, and flushes beautifully-and, well honestly Jongin can say that Joonmyeon's cock is flushing too, and he chuckles a little bit.

"I want to take care of you," Jongin tells him quietly. When Jongin finally pulls Joonmyeon's boxers down to his ankles, then off, the boxers are thrown over his shoulder, against the white wall so Joonmyeon's only wearing his tank.

Joonmyeon's dick is in Jongin's hands in mere seconds, and it's big and hot and just looking at it makes Jongin sweat a little more in the hot air. He experimentally tugs at the cock, and then grins when Joonmyeon lets out a small whimper. He does it again, pulling and pumping at once and Joonmyeon whines again.

Joonmyeon makes these sounds. Jongin doesn't expect them; he doesn't expect the low thrumming of Joonmyeon's hum or Joonmyeon's slutty moan. He doesn't make comment of this though and just keeps pumping, jerky and erratic and not fast enough because Joonmyeon hasn't come yet.

"J-Jongin," Joonmyeon moans, dragging out the 'n' of his name, and then, with a few more raggedy jerks, Joonmyeon comes onto his stomach.

Joonmyeon lies on his back as he recovers so Jongin moves to lie beside him. He nuzzles into Joonmyeon when he lifts his arm up so that Jongin will fit. Their eyes start to drift closed but Jongin thinks of something, and he wants to make everything clear.

"I really like you hyung," he mumbles into Joonmyeon's arm pit.

Joonmyeon doesn't respond so Jongin nudges him softly and repeats, "I like you a lot."

"Do we have to talk?" Joonmyeon asks sleepily. Jongin is offended until he realizes that Joonmyeon's just mocking what Jongin had said to him earlier.

"I think this is enough," he mumbles a few seconds later and to prove it, he gives Jongin one full kiss before drifting off to sleep.

# 2012 summer, rating: nc-17, fandom: exo

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